Night of the Lizard

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"Night Of the Lizard" is the first episode from season 1 of Spider-Man: The Animated Series. It first appeared on November 19, 1994.

[edit] Summary

Daily Bugle editor J. Jonah Jameson offers 1,000 dollars to any Bugle reporter for getting a photo of The Lizard; Eddie Brock attempts to earn this reward. Just then, Peter thinks that the Lizard creature is a hoax. In the Empire State University, Peter and Debra went there for a night class with Brock following them. Just then, the Lizard runs off. In the Connors residence, Spider-Man tells Margaret Connors (wife of Dr. Connors) where Connors is as she thinks that he is hurting him. Just then, Brock, who went to the residence, gets attack by the Lizard, and hids in the bushes. Spider-Man confronts the creature as the creature leaves as he sees Margaret and Billy, son of Connors.

Spider-Man questions Margaret about what happened. Margaret explained to Spider-Man that the creature is Connors, who uses the Neogenic Recombinator to rebuild his arm. It didn't work as he gets home, he was transformed into the Lizard. Brock, hearing this, writes the story. When Spider-Man hears Brock running to expose the secret to the Bugle, he stopped him by webbing him into a lamp post so that he might not be able to ruin Connors' life. Just then, Spider-Man hears the scream in the Connors' residence, and only finds Billy. Billy told Spider-Man that his dad returns to abduct his mother, and takes her to the sewers. Spider-Man took Billy to the neighbors until his parents are safe.

In the sewers, Lizard tells Margaret that he plans to use the Neogenic Recombinator to turn people into lizard creatures like him as he thinks that he planned to use the device to heal people from injuries. Just then, Spider-Man confronts him, and takes a dive to the water. Spider-Man uses the device to change the Lizard back to Connors.

The following morning, Eddie tries in vain to tell Jameson and the police that Dr. Curt Connors is the Lizard, and narrates the incident that he was going to send his story to the Bugle, but Spider-Man webbed him onto a lamppost. When Eddie opens the door, he sees Curt Connors back to normal, thus discrediting his claim and has to eat today's issue of the Bugle like he requested when he made a mistake.

[edit] Cast

[edit] Trivia

  • The Neogenic Recombinator makes its first apearance in the series. It would later makes appearances in The Sting of the Scorpion and many episodes in Season 2.
  • Other than Spider-Man / Peter Parker and The Lizard / Dr. Cutr Conners, this episode introduces many other characters like Margaret Connors, Billy Conners, May Parker, J. Jonah Jameson, Joseph Robbie Robertson, Debra Whitman and Eddie Brock.
  • This episode introduces Eddie Brock (as already mentioned) in which he would later become Venom in The Alien Costume: Part Three.
  • Dr. Conners became The Lizard numerous times in The Tablet of Time, Ravages of Time, The Final Nightmare, The Lizard King, Arrival, The Gauntlet of the Red Skull and Doom. However, Conners had supporting roles when he is not The Lizard in The Alien Costume: Part Two, The Insidious Six, Battle of the Insidious Six, Blade the Vampire Hunter, Shriek of the Vulture, Venom Returns, Carnage, The Spot and Partners. The Lizard was also a hero in the three-part Secret Wars saga near the end of the series.
  • This episode was not only the pilot episode of the series but a preview to the series as it is the only episode aired in 1994.