Ngô Văn Chiêu
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Ngô Văn Chiêu (born 1878) is the first disciple of Đức Cao Đài. His religious name is Ngô Minh Chiêu. He was born in 1878 and raised by his aunt. He developed an interest in Chinese folk religion during this period. Later he served in the colonial bureaucracy and developed a fascination with spiritism. He declined his appointment as the first Pope of CaoĐàiism and was not involved in the official establishment of Caodaiism in 1926. Instead, he chose to withdraw to a life of seclusion. Thus, the role went to Venerable Lê Văn Trung, who accepted on the condition that his title be Acting Pope. In 1926, Lê Văn Trung and over two hundred others signed the "Declaration of the Founding of the Cao Đài Religion"; Chieu was not among the signees. He had accepted another entity as Đức Cao Đài and is credited as founder of the Chiếu Minh sect of Cao Daiism. His death date is uncertain. His nephew created a religion called Thien Khai Huynh Dao, which ceased to exist after he died.