Newton Correctional Facility

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Map of Iowa correctional institutions.
Map of Iowa correctional institutions.

The Newton Correctional Facility is a low and medium security correctional institution. It is located near the Jasper County community of Newton, Iowa. Newton is about 30 miles east of Des Moines, Iowa. Currently the institution has 350 staff members and about 1,050 inmates.

The facility houses the Correctional Release Center - a low security unit that prepares inmates in the Iowa correctional system for parole or discharge. The center trains inmates about to be released in release preparation, challenging criminal thinking, and substance abuse treatment. The center's programs place emphasis on the need for such inmates on the need to accept responsibility for their actions. The substance abuse program not only prepares inmates for release, but it also provides treatment for parolees and work release people who have developed substance abuse issues. The facility offers adult basic education, GED services, and special education.

Inmates are assigned both in and outside work. The outside work can be community service based work in state agencies, or private sector employment.

[edit] See also