New Testament Christian Churches of America, Inc
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New Testament Christian Churches of America, Inc. (NTCC) is a Full Gospel, Pentecostal, King James Only, Holiness, Christian church. It is a worldwide organization with main headquarters located in Graham, Washington. Each individual church location is called New Testament Christian Church.
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[edit] History
New Testament Christian Churches of America, Inc. was incorporated in 1969 in St. Louis, Missouri [1] [2], as a schism from the Pentecostal Church of God (PCG) of Joplin, Missouri. NTCC was founded by a former PCG missionary, R.W. Davis (b. 1929), who had served in the Philippines for four years.
Davis withdrew, along with others, after observing an erosion of "holiness standards" in the PCG, and after his request for the PCG to establish a Bible college in St. Louis was denied. Davis and other leaders founded Midwestern Bible Institute [3], later known as New Testament Christian College, and currently known as New Testament Christian Seminary (NTCS).
The original name, from 1969-1987, of this denomination was New Testament Church of God [4]. (The name was changed due to a conflicting name with an unrelated group.) For its first five years, the church was involved with the Independent Pentecostal or "Free Holiness" movement. (See Holiness Messenger.) However, NTCC chose to adopt a less strict stance on the issue of divorce and remarriage, which distanced them from that group. NTCC believes that all sin (including divorce not merrited by the Bible, seeing as the Bible allows certain guidelines for a divorce) is forgiven by Jesus Christ and "before the blood or salvation line" and thus are free to remarry as long as Biblical guidelines to do so are met.
In 1984, the administrative offices of New Testament Christian Churches of America, Inc. were moved to Graham, Washington, southeast of Tacoma. New Testament Christian Seminary operated in St. Louis for over 15 years, but in the late 1980s its operations and dormitories were also relocated to Graham, Washington. NTCC established campground facilities in 1990, 15 miles north of Mexico, Missouri, for spring and fall meetings which are held for their ministers and members.
New Testament Christian Churches of America, Inc. has often been noted for the zealousness of their followers and uncompromising, plain-spoken Bible preaching. In 2004 they experienced a schism when about 1% of their ministers withdrew and formed House of Prayer Christian Church. House of Prayer Christian Church is mostly comprised of military-oriented churches and compromisers and is based in Hinesville, Georgia. As of April 2006, NTCC had approximately 5,000+ members.
[edit] Outreach Ministry
Most of NTCC's church ministries (about 120) are in metropolitan areas, and about 30 are near military bases (mostly Army) in the USA, Germany, Panama, and the Far East. Approximately 20% of churches also operate "servicemen's homes." For a small fee, they provide unmarried active-duty soldiers with an alternative to barracks life. This "home away from home" has much spiritual emphasis, including gospel music, a dinner every night, fellowship and a family atmosphere.
The NTCC philosophy is "Preaching a living Christ to a lost & dying world". They proselytize or go "soul-winning" by making door-to-door invitations and handing out flyers, church cards or tracts. NTCC members are very diligent with initial invitations and follow-up. (See also Evangelism and The Great Commission.) The sole objective is to spread the gospel by bringing people to church services and then teaching and encouraging salvation and baptism of the Holy Spirit.
NTCC has a Worldwide Missions Program with missionaries having been in countries such as France, Panama, Puerto Rico, Philippines, and more.
Until very recently, there was no public information available about this organization. In the past, use of the internet was believed to be a negative influence and was highly discouraged. Today, NTCC manages a series of websites, including sites for their headquarters, in-house print shop, seminary and campground. There is also a generally endorsed blog where comments are moderated by the blog's author before publication.
[edit] NTCC Official Doctrine
As Christian believers of the New Testament Christian Churches of America, Incorporated, [NTCC] makes the following declaration of the things which are “Believed Among Us” (Luke 1:1), so as, there will be no division or differences among us, and that all our churches preach, teach, and proclaim the following, doing so in love and by direction of the Holy Spirit, and by the Word of God.
- THE SCRIPTURES The members of New Testament Christian Church believe that the Scriptures, (The Bible), are the inspired Word of God, and that they are to be taught and believed in their entirety - (II Timothy 3:15) (II Peter 1:21) That the Scriptures will give us a complete revelation of God’s divine plan of Salvation and His will toward man, and that this is to constitute the complete rule of Christian Faith and the practice of the same.
- THE GODHEAD God is a Trinity - manifested in three distinct Persons - the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit, being co-existent, co-equal, and co-eternal.
- SALVATION Salvation for man, (which is fallen from his perfect and sinless state through Adam), is attained by the grace of God, through Jesus Christ His Son, by His death upon the cross, through the Holy Spirit’s conviction, by repentance, and through an experience of the New Birth. This is accomplished by grace, and is made effectual through faith in [[Jesus Christ[[ by accepting Him as Personal Saviour. (Titus 2:11) (Romans 10:13-15) (Luke 24:47) (Titus 3:5-7)
- THE CHURCH [NTCC] believes that the Church is the Body of Jesus Christ (Colossians 1:18) (Ephesians 4:15) and that Jesus is the Head. Its earthly members are made up of believers, born again by the Spirit (John 3:6) and by the Word. (I Peter 1:23). To the Church is delegated authority, instructions, offices, and rules to govern it, and its members, so as to allow it to fulfill its missions in the fulfillment of Christ’s great commission. (Matthew 28:19) (Mark 16:15-20)
- MINISTRY God, through the Holy Spirit, definitely calls and sets aside such as He desires to serve as Ministers of the Gospel. No one should under any circumstances be ordained to any office unless the calling is distinct and evident.
- WATER BAPTISM Baptism in water is by immersion, and is a direct commandment of our Lord (Matthew 28:19) and is for believers only. (Romans 6:4) (Colossians 2:12) (Acts 8:36-39)
- BAPTISM OF THE HOLY SPIRIT The Baptism of the Holy Spirit (Matthew 3:11) is a gift from God, as promised by the Lord Jesus Christ, to all believers in this dispensation, and is received subsequent to the New Birth. (John 14:16-17) (Acts 1:8; 2:4; 2:38-39). The Baptism of the Holy Spirit is accompanied with the speaking in tongues as the Holy Spirit gives utterance, this being the initial physical sign and evidence. (2:4)
- SANCTIFICATION The Word of God (The Bible) teaches that without holiness no man can or shall see the Lord (Hebrews 12:14). We believe the Doctrine of Sanctification to be a definite, yet a progressive work of grace in the believer’s life, starting at the time of the born again experience in the believer’s life. (Hebrews 13:12) (II Thessalonians 2:13) (I Peter 1:2) (Ephesians 5:26) (John 17:17) (I Corinthians 6:11) (I Thessalonians 5:23)
- THE LORD’S SUPPER [NTCC] believes that the ordinance of The Lord’s Supper (Eucharist) is a commandment of our Saviour, and that its time or frequency of observance is left to the discretion of each congregation. (I Corinthians 11:26)
- DIVINE HEALING Healing is for the physical ills of the human body. It is wrought by God, through the power of God, by the laying on of hands and by prayer, through faith. (Mark 16:18) (James 5:14-15)
- THE COMING OF THE LORD [NTCC] hold that the coming of the Lord is imminent and is the Blessed Hope of the Church. We also hold that the Rapture is to occur prior to the tribulation.
- RESURRECTION OF THE JUST AND UNJUST The Scriptures teach that the just (those born again, being justified by Jesus Christ) shall be raised by Jesus Christ unto eternal life and rewards. The unjust, (those who have rejected Jesus and His plan of salvation), shall be raised to judgement and eternal punishment. (See Resurrection of Jesus.)
- HELL When one dies in his sins without Christ, he is hopelessly and eternally lost in the Lake of Fire, and therefore has no more opportunity of receiving Christ as Saviour, being eternally lost. (Hebrews 9:27) The Lake of Fire is literal, (Revelation 19:20) and the words eternal and everlasting describe the duration of the punishment of those that are lost. (See Hell.)
- RELATION TO WAR [NTCC] believes that our government was and is established by God, and whereas we are thankful to the government of the United States of America, for the freedom to worship God according to the dictates of our own conscience, and whereas [NTCC] understands and believes that the Word of God does not command or teach, either by example or statement, that we should not protect or defend our way of life: be it resolved that during time of war or necessity, [NTCC] will serve the government, bear arms, protect our citizens from enemies who try to overthrow our government and our country, and to serve in whatever role necessary.
- TITHES [NTCC] recognizes the scriptural duty of all people, as well as ministers, to pay tithes unto the Lord. (Hebrews 7:8) Tithes should be used for the support of the active ministry and for the propagation of the Gospel and work of the Lord, and are not to be given to charity or used for other purposes. (Malachi 3:7-11) (Hebrews 7:2) (Corinthians 9:7-11; 16:2)
[edit] New Testament Christian Seminary
New Testament Christian Seminary (NTCS) is located at the NTCC headquarters in Graham, Washington. The church requires that only NTCS graduates may be licensed to minister in their churches regardless of previous theological experience or background.
New Testament Christian Seminary exists for the sole purpose of training of prospective ministers of NTCC churches, and offers no accredited degrees of any kind. The NTCS motto is, "Preparing Youth With Truth in Holy Spirit Power."
[edit] Publications
NTCC publishes a monthly magazine, or newsletter, called the TRUMPET. These contain ministry reports, Bible lessons and other columns written by different authors.
[edit] Officers and Directors
As of August 30, 2006, according to documents filed with the Missouri Secretary of State
- Joseph Henrey Olson, Chairman of the Board and CEO
- Michael Craig Kekel, President
- James Ross Ashmore, Vice President
- James Leon Johnson, Director
- John Richard Difrancesco, Secretary
[edit] Sources & External links
These sites may or may not hold the official views or opinions of New Testament Christian Churches, however each site does pertain to NTCC and its members.
[edit] Websites
- New Testament Christian Churches of America, Inc - Official church website.
- New Testament Christian Seminary - Official seminary website.
- - Website which examines NTCC's ideology and practices.
- NTCC Updates and News.
[edit] Online Discussion Groups
- The NTCC Family Group - Online community for current NTCC members only.
- FACTNet Message Board: New Testament Christian Church / NTCC - Discussion about NTCC.
- Yahoo Groups: NTCC Support - Support group for former members and ministers of NTCC.
[edit] Weblogs or Blogs
- Good News At NTCC - Blog written by NTCC church member.
- The Devonshire Files - NTCC Missionaries in the Philippines.
- The Truth about NTCC, an Insider's View - A blog written by a current member of NTCC.
- Words of Encouragement - A current NTCC member shares Words of Encouragment for other NTCC members.
- NOT New Testament Christian Churches - Blog written by former ministers of NTCC.
- What Women See In NTCC - Blog from a woman's, and a former member's, point of view.
- Curt's Story - Chronicles the NTCC experience of a former member.
- Theological Debate - Ex member blog.