New Student Starfish

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SpongeBob SquarePants episode
""New Student Starfish""
Best Day Ever Rank: #55
Episode List
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"New Student Starfish" is a SpongeBob SquarePants episode from season three.

Brief summary: Patrick goes to boating school with SpongeBob, but its not all fun and games, as Patrick gets SpongeBob into trouble and they both get detention.


  • 6:20 AM: Patrick looks at his watch
  • 9:00 AM: Class starts

Time cards shown: None

Characters Present:

Songs: None

[edit] Plot

At SpongeBob's pineapple, Patrick is eagerly asking him if he can go jellyfishing. SpongeBob says he has to go to boating school, and also asks what Patrick usually does when he's gone. Patrick replies with a sad answer: "Waiting for you to get back from school!" SpongeBob then thinks of an idea. Patrick can go with him!

They arrive at 6:20 AM, and although class starts at 9:00 AM, SpongeBob considers it late because it's 'Late for being early!' He shows him around the school, and tells him about their classroom's reward system. It's quite simple, with a golden star attached to a chart next to the person's name who earned the golden star. He also shows him Roger, an unborn animal in a case with only a light-bulb for warmth. The thin shell of the egg represents the barrier between life and death when in a boat. The light-bulb represents knowledge, and without it, death occurs.

When class starts, Patrick gets SpongeBob into lots of trouble, which results in one of SpongeBob's golden stars taken off. SpongeBob faints, and Patrick responds by saying "Mrs. Puff, is it nap-time?" Later, SpongeBob and Patrick have to go to detention because they were fighting (not really) during recess. They say how much they hate each other, and SpongeBob says "I'd hate you even if the light-bulb keeping Roger alive went out!" Coincidentally, the light-bulb keeping Roger alive went out. SpongeBob keeps the egg warm, while Patrick gets a new light-bulb. Patrick reaches the closet and finds a mountain of light-bulbs, but he thinks that the one at the top that is operating is the only one that works (Probably because of his low intelligence). SpongeBob is impatient and starts running towards the closet with Roger in his hands, and bumps into Patrick. They both save Roger's life, and they both get a golden star. Patrick later leaves when he finally realizes he's in boating school and he thought he was in Spanish class. At the end, Roger hatches into a chick and says "Hey! What did I miss?"

[edit] Quotes

  • SpongeBob: ...and the light bulb represents knowledge, without which Roger would die.
Patrick: (repeatedly turning on/off the lamp) Life, death, life, death, life, death...!
  • SpongeBob: (after being given a drawing that Patrick drew of Mrs. Puff, beside which is written "Big Fat Meanie") Big fat meanie?! Patrick, you can't do that! She's the teacher!
Mrs. Puff: What about the teacher? (grabs the drawing from SpongeBob and gasps) As if I really look like this! (it is shown that she, at that moment, DOES look just like the drawing)
  • Patrick: Boating School? I thought this was Spanish class! (turning to leave) Bye, SpongeBob. Bye, big fat meanie.

[edit] Goofs/Trivia

  • The names on the Bikini Bottom Board keep changing. Sometimes it's like this: SpongeBob, Lloyd, Sheila, Paco, Debbie, Horace and Patrick. Other times there is a Rich between Horace and Patrick.
  • SpongeBob says "You cost me one of my good noodle stars!", but the captions say, "You caused me one of my good noodle stars!"
  • When Patrick arrives at the boating school, he says, "And no line.", but the captions say, "I have no line."
  • SpongeBob writes Patrick's name on the Good Noodle Board in capital letters. Later on when SpongeBob and Patrick are saving Roger, Patrick's name is in lower case and when Mrs Puff tells them that she'll give them a star each, it is in capitals again.
  • Even though he was underwater, Roger didn't need any thing to breathe when he was out of his shell.
  • Patrick says "Boating School? I thought this was Spanish Class!" However he had been invited to school by SpongeBob at the beginning of the episode.
  • In the DVD that contains this episode, in the storyboard, after Patrick leaves in the end of the episode, there is a deleted quote that has SpongeBob saying "Can I have his star?"
  • Spongebob's locker consists of his pants, books etc.
  • In this episode the interior of Mrs. Puff's Boating School is shown as being spacious, highly equipped, and even has a second floor, but the outside of Mrs. Puff's Boating School is shown as being small and somewhat basic.

Preceded by:
"Krusty Love"
SpongeBob SquarePants episodes Followed by: