New Riveria (fictional planet)

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New Riveria, often called Nur, is a fictional planet created by Alan Dean Foster for his Humanx Commonwealth universe. It is often referred to as a paradise world, for it is even more perfect for human habitation than Terra. There are no extremes on the planet, not large oceans or mountain ranges, the many continents and archipelagos are divided up by twenty small seas. The citizens are mostly content, happy to have been born on the planet or to have immigrated there. The economy tends toward tourism and high end scientific research.

The Humanx Commonwealth
AAnn | Human | Hur'rikku | Minidragon | Pitar | Tar-Aiym | Thranx | Ulru-Ujurrians | Xunca
Alaspin | Annubis | Blasusarr | Cachalot | Hivehom | Horseye | Longtunnel | Midworld | Moth | New Riveria | Pitar | Prism | Pyrassis | Terra | Tran-Ky-Ky | Treetrunk | Ulru-Ujurr | Willow-Wane
Flinx | Bran Tse-Mallory | Truzenzuzex | Mahnahmi Lynx | Pip | Clarity Held | Skua September | Abalamahalamatandra
bloodhype | Meliorare Society | Order of Null | Qwarm