New Orleans class starship (Star Trek)

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A New Orleans class starship
A New Orleans class starship

The New Orleans class is a rarely seen starship class used by Starfleet in the science fiction television series Star Trek. The class has been only seen on screen as the wrecked USS Kyūshū.

The New Orleans class' design mostly follows traditional Starfleet starship design, with a saucer-shaped primary hull attached to a roughly cylindrical engineering section by a short, thick neck and with two warp engines attached to the dorsal side of the secondary hull by long, backwardangled, upwardcurving pylons. The most unusual features of ships of this class are the three forwardfacing pods, two mounted on top of the saucer and the other connected to the ventral engineering hull by a short pylon. The pods are possibly weapons and or enhanced sensor pods.

In real life, Ed Miarecki built the New Orleans class ship, the USS Kyūshū, for the Battle of Wolf 359 graveyard scene in Star Trek: The Next Generation's "The Best of Both Worlds". The model was based on existing parts from a model of the Galaxy class starship, thus explaining its strong resemblance to that class, with minor additions and customized parts. The class was in real life named for the railroad and the song City of New Orleans; as a result, some fans mistakenly believed that the lead ship was named "USS City of New Orleans." In real life, the only precedent for this is the US Navy submarine USS City of Corpus Christi, named such to placate protesters who believed that it was inappropriate to name a warship after the body of Christ.

[edit] Known New Orleans-class starships

USS Kyūshū (NCC-65491) 
Named for the Japanese island of Kyūshū, the starship Kyūshū is destroyed by the Borg at the Battle of Wolf 359 in 2366. Seen as a wrecked model.
USS Renegade (NCC-63102) 
Commanded by Captain Tryla Scott, the starship Renegade meets with the Enterprise-D at Dytallix B in 2364 when alien agents attempt to take over Starfleet Command.[1] Registry and class from an Okudagram somewhere.
USS Rutledge (NCC-57295) 
Named for Edward Rutledge, the starship Rutledge was commanded by Captain Benjamin Maxwell during the Cardassian War and a former posting of Miles O'Brien's.[2] In 2373, the Rutledge joined the starship Tecumseh in a counterattack against Klingon forces in the Archanis sector.[3] Registry and class from the Encyclopedia.
USS Thomas Paine (NCC-65530) 
Named for Thomas Paine, the starship Thomas Paine is commanded by Captain Rixx and meets the Enterprise-D at Dytallix B in 2364 when alien agents attempt to take over Starfleet Command.[1] Circa stardate 46357.4 in 2368, the Thomas Paine was assigned to a diplomatic mission. The Thomas Paine was also part of the Romulan tachyon blockade during the 2368 Klingon Civil War.[4] Registry and class from the Encyclopedia.

[edit] References

[edit] External links

Star Trek starship classes
Starfleet: Starfleet starships
Akira | Ambassador | Constellation | Constitution | Danube | Defiant | Excelsior | Galaxy | Hope/Olympic | Intrepid | Miranda | Nebula
New Orleans | Nova | NX† | Oberth | Prometheus | Saber | Sovereign | Steamrunner | Wells | Other Starfleet ships
Andorian Imperial Guard: Kumari | Borg Collective: Borg starships | Cardassian Union: Cardassian starships | Ferengi Alliance: D'Kora
Jem'Hadar: Jem'Hadar starships | Kazon Sects: Kazon ship classes | Klingon Empire: Klingon starships
Romulan Empire: Romulan starships | Suliban Cabal: Suliban cell ship | Vulcan: Vulcan starships | Xindi: Xindi starships

† – Pre-Federation
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