New Hall Boat Club

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The blade colours of New Hall Boat Club
The blade colours of New Hall Boat Club

New Hall Boat Club is the rowing club for members of New Hall College, Cambridge. New Hall is a college for women only. New Hall's early progress was good, taking the headship of the Lent Bumps in 1976, 1978 and 1980. The 1st VIII now are bottom of the 1st division, perilously close to dropping into the 2nd division for the first time. In the May Bumps, initial performance was good, taking the headship in 1977, 1981 and 1984 in the four-oared races, but in 1990, when the start order was re-organised, the New Hall 1st VIII were placed at the bottom of the 1st division and dropped into the 2nd division in 1992. By 1996, New Hall had climbed as high as 10th, but found itself in the 2nd division again by the end of 1998. Once again, the New Hall 1st VIII climbed to 10th by 2002, and now resides in 16th place.


[edit] Recent Form

[edit] Lent Bumps

A table showing the position of the 1st women's VIII since 1980

Year Finish position 1st day 2nd day 3rd day 4th Day
1980 Head rowed-over rowed-over rowed-over bumped Girton
1981 4th bumped by Girton bumped by Newnham bumped by Selwyn rowed-over
1982 2nd bumped Selwyn rowed-over rowed-over bumped Girton
1983 3rd rowed-over rowed-over rowed-over bumped by Churchill
1984 5th bumped by Girton bumped by Clare bumped by Girton bumped Girton
1985 7th rowed-over rowed-over bumped by Homerton bumped by Trinity Hall
1986 11th bumped by Emmanuel bumped by Fitzwilliam bumped by Caius bumped by 1st & 3rd Trinity
1987 14th bumped by Lady Margaret bumped by Girton rowed-over bumped by Downing
1988 12th bumped by Queens' overbumped 1st & 3rd Trinity rowed-over rowed-over
1989 10th bumped Girton bumped by Girton bumped Girton bumped Homerton
1990 9th rowed-over bumped Sidney Sussex rowed-over rowed-over
1991 7th rowed-over bumped Clare Churchill rowed-over
1992 10th bumped by Queens' bumped by Clare rowed-over bumped by Selwyn
1993 10th rowed-over bumped Caius rowed-over bumped by St. Catharine's
1994 8th rowed-over rowed-over bumped Clare bumped Selwyn
1995 5th bumped St. Catharine's bumped Newnham rowed-over bumped Lady Margaret
1996 4th bumped Jesus rowed-over rowed-over rowed-over
1997 7th bumped by Lady Margaret rowed-over bumped by Jesus bumped by St. Catharine's
1998 13th overbumped by Pembroke bumped by Newnham bumped by 1st & 3rd Trinity bumped by Clare
1999 14th bumped Clare rowed-over bumped by Caius bumped by Downing
2000 11th rowed-over bumped St. Catharine's bumped 1st & 3rd Trinity bumped Churchill
2001 11th rowed-over rowed-over (cancelled) (cancelled)
2002 11th bumped by Clare rowed-over bumped Pembroke rowed-over
2003 15th bumped by Churchill bumped by Pembroke bumped by Girton bumped by 1st & 3rd Trinity
2004 16th rowed-over rowed-over bumped by Selwyn rowed-over
2005 17th bumped by St. Catharine's rowed-over rowed-over rowed-over
2006 15th bumped St. Catharine's rowed-over bumped Christ's rowed over

[edit] May Bumps

A table showing the position of the 1st women's IV from 1980 until 1989 and the 1st women's VIII from 1990 until the present day.

Note that a new start order was chosen for the women's May Bumps in 1990, to coincide the change from four-oared to eight-oared boats.

Year Finish position 1st day 2nd day 3rd day 4th Day
1980 2nd bumped Churchill bumped Girton bumped Newnham rowed-over
1981 Head bumped Clare rowed-over head rowed-over head rowed-over head
1982 4th rowed-over head bumped by Trinity Hall bumped by Newnham bumped by Girton
1983 2nd bumped Girton bumped Newnham rowed-over rowed-over
1984 Head bumped Trinity Hall rowed-over head rowed-over head rowed-over head
1985 2nd bumped by Churchill rowed-over bumped by Trinity Hall bumped Trinity Hall
1986 4th rowed-over rowed-over bumped by Newnham bumped by Jesus
1987 4th rowed-over rowed-over rowed-over rowed-over
1988 3rd bumped Newnham bumped Churchill rowed-over bumped by Churchill
1989 2nd rowed-over bumped Jesus rowed-over rowed-over
1990 15th bumped by Girton rowed-over rowed-over rowed-over
1991 16th rowed-over bumped by Sidney Sussex rowed-over rowed-over
1992 19th bumped by Selwyn rowed-over bumped by Robinson bumped by 1st & 3rd Trinity
1993 18th rowed-over rowed-over bumped Robinson rowed-over
1994 14th bumped 1st & 3rd and Girton rowed-over bumped Veterinary School bumped Selwyn
1995 12th rowed-over bumped Sidney Sussex bumped St. Catharine's rowed-over
1996 10th rowed-over bumped Downing bumped Queens' rowed-over
1997 14th bumped by Queens' bumped by Downing bumped by Caius bumped by St. Catharine's
1998 18th bumped by Christ's bumped by Selwyn bumped by Magdalene bumped by Robinson
1999 18th rowed-over rowed-over rowed-over rowed-over
2000 15th bumped Magdalene bumped Homerton rowed-over bumped Selwyn
2001 12th rowed-over bumped Robinson bumped Queens' bumped Christ's
2002 10th rowed-over bumped Churchill bumped Clare rowed-over
2003 11th rowed-over rowed-over rowed-over bumped by Churchill
2004 13th rowed-over bumped by Girton rowed-over bumped by Magdalene
2005 16th rowed-over bumped by Christ's bumped by Selwyn bumped by 1st & 3rd Trinity

‡ as sandwich boat for division 1. See May Bumps for details.

[edit] References

  • Durack, John; Gilbert, George; Marks, Dr. John (2000). The Bumps: An Account of the Cambridge University Bumping Races 1827-1999 ISBN 0-9538475-1-9
  • CUCBC (various years) - Lent and May Bumps programmes.

[edit] External links