Nevoid basal cell carcinoma syndrome

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The Nevoid Basal Cell Carcinoma Syndrome (NBCCS) (also known as Basal Cell Nevus Syndrome, Multiple Basal Cell Carcinoma Syndrome, Gorlin syndrome, or Gorlin-Goltz Syndrome) is an inherited group of multiple defects involving the skin, nervous system, eyes, endocrine system, and bones. The condition causes an unusual facial appearance and a predisposition for skin cancer, and it is inherited as an autosomal dominant trait. The prevalence is reported to be 1 case per 56,000-164,000 population. Recent work in molecular genetics has shown NBCCS to be caused by mutations in the PTCH (patched) gene found on chromosome arm 9q. If a child inherits the defective gene from either parent, he or she will have the disorder.

About 750,000 new cases of sporadic basal cell carcinoma (BCC) occur each year in the United States. Ultraviolet (UV) radiation from the sun is the main trigger of these cancers, and people with fair skin are especially at risk. Most sporadic BCC arise in small numbers on sun-exposed skin of people over age 50, although younger people may also be affected. By comparison, one of the prime features of NBCCS is development of multiple BCC at an early age, often in the teen years.

Diagnosis of NBCCS is made by having 2 major criteria or 1 major and 2 minor criteria.

The major criteria consist of the following:

  1. more than 2 BCCs or 1 BCC in a person younger than 20 years;
  2. odontogenic keratocysts of the jaw
  3. 3 or more palmar or plantar pits
  4. calcification of the falx cerebri
  5. bifid, fused, or splayed ribs
  6. first-degree relative with NBCCS.

The minor criteria include the following:

  1. macrocephaly.
  2. congenital malformations, such as cleft lip or palate, frontal bossing, or hypertelorism.
  3. other skeletal abnormalities, such as Sprengel deformity, pectus deformity, or syndactyly.
  4. radiologic abnormalities, such as bridging of the sella turcica, vertebral anomalies, modeling defects or flame-shaped lucencies of hands and feet.
  5. ovarian fibroma or medulloblastoma.

People with NBCCS need education about the syndrome, and may need counseling and support, as coping with the multiple BCCs and multiple surgeries is often difficult. They should reduce UV light exposure, to minimize the risk of BCC. They should also be advised that receiving Radiation therapy for their skin cancers may be contraindicated. They should look for symptoms referable to other potentially involved systems: the CNS, the genitourinary system, the cardiovascular system, and dentition.

Genetic counseling is advised for prospective parents, since one parent with NBCCS causes a 50% chance that their child will also be affected.

[edit] References

  • Kimonis VE, Goldstein AM, Pastakia B, et al: Clinical manifestations in 105 persons with nevoid basal cell carcinoma syndrome. Am J Med Genet 1997 Mar 31; 69(3): 299-308 [1].
  • Johnson RL, Rothman AL, et. al. Human homolog of patched, a candidate gene for the basal cell nevus syndrome. Science 1996 Jun 14; 272: 1668-1671 [2].
  • Gorlin RJ and Goltz RW. Multiple nevoid basal-cell epithelioma, jaw cysts and bifid rib. A syndrome. New England Journal of Medicine 1960 May 5;262:908-912. [3]

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