Nevado de Longaví

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The 3,240 m Nevado de Longaví is an Andean peak in central Chile, Linares Province, Maule Region. The perennially snowcapped peak is actually an extinct stratovolcano and constitutes a landmark of Linares province, visible from practically every point in the central valley of the province and the neighbouring Province of Cauquenes. The geographical coordinates of the Longaví are:

  • Latitude : 36° 11' 35 S
  • Longitude : 71° 9' 40 O

The Longaví (in mapudungun: "snake's head") trek is very demanding and, arguably, can be ranked among the ten most beautiful tours in Chile. The trek provides with stunning views of virgin forests and glaciers, the Laguna Achibueno and stands of rare cypress trees, south of the snowy "Cerro el Toro".

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