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Hebrew נתיבות
Name meaning Paths
Founded in 1956
Government City (from 2000)
District South
Population 23,700 (CBS end of 2004)
Jurisdiction 8,500 dunams (8.5 km²)
Mayor Yehiel Zohar

Netivot (Hebrew: נתיבות) is a city in the Southern District of Israel in Israel. According to the Israel Central Bureau of Statistics (CBS), at the end of 2004 the city had a total population of 23,700. It was founded in 1956 as part of the Negev Desert settling project, along with Sderot to the north, and Ofaqim to the south. Netivot attracts a number of mainly Sephardi Jewish pilgrims, who come to pray at the tomb of a Moroccan-born tzaddik and kabbalist Baba Sali (d.1984) who is buried there.


[edit] Demographics

According to CBS, in 2001 the ethnic makeup of the city was 99.8% Jewish and other non-Arab, with no significant Arab population. There are 78 recent immigrants who are in their initial stages of absorption. See Population groups in Israel.

According to CBS, in 2001 there were 10,500 males and 10,600 females. The population of the city was spread out with 46.3% 19 years of age or younger, 16.2% between 20 and 29, 17.6% between 30 and 44, 10.4% from 45 to 59, 2.8% from 60 to 64, and 6.8% 65 years of age or older. The population growth rate in 2001 was 3.9%.

[edit] Income

According to CBS, as of 2000, in the city there were 5,339 salaried workers and 382 are self-employed. The mean monthly wage in 2000 for a salaried worker in the city is ILS 3,410, a real change of 1.1% over the course of 2000. Salaried males have a mean monthly wage of ILS 4,482 (a real change of 6.5%) versus ILS 2,385 for females (a real change of -8.7%). The mean income for the self-employed is 5,764. There are 445 people who receive unemployment benefits and 2,843 people who receive an income guarantee.

[edit] Education

According to CBS, there are 22 schools and 4,243 students in the city. They are spread out as 16 elementary schools and 3,053 elementary school students, and 11 high schools and 1,190 high school students. 43.1% of 12th grade students were entitled to a matriculation certificate in 2001.

[edit] External links

Flag of Israel
South District
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