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DEFT NETZ (commonly known as NETZ) is a network simulation environment encompassing a wide range of networking technologies. It is widely known among academicians and researchers for its versatility and the extremely friendly user interface. NETZ offers its users to carry simulations and understand the various design aspects related to modern and legacy networks. NETZ supports various technology libraries and helps users to design Packet Switched Networks, Circuit Switched Networks, ATM Networks, FDDI Networks and Ethernet Networks. The other supported technologies include IP Multicasting, Token Rings, Optical Burst Switching, Cellular Networking, Wireless LANs Networking etc. With is advanced traffic generation and modeling feature, supporting various traffic distributions like poisson, pareto, self similar, exponential, cauchy, normal, laplace, weibull, logarithmic etc. it offers one of the best platforms to simulate a wide range of networking technologies with ease. Network surivability features along with the most flexible routing strategies and configurations are also incorporated in it. NETZ acquaints its users with advanced fields like buffer management, quality of service, network resource planning, traffic modeling, demand analysis and others. Network design and pre-release network analysis is an issue faced by network engineers repeatedly. The existing networking environments tend to pose this subject with increased complexity, with usage needing a prerequisite knowledge of the commanding environment language.

Image:Deftnetz.jpg Image:Netzlan.jpg Image:Netzcellular.jpg

  • How to start building networks?
  • Which is the optimum network element to be used at a particular hierarchy?
  • How to eventually create the ‘Internet’, starting from a mere computer or a LAN?

NETZ helps to answer these questions and more. One can configure the complete network through simple user interfaces, right from the used network nodes to the connections established between them. Using the libraries that come along with NETZ, user can run different traffic models, employ different routing protocols, or create networks that involve different technologies altogether. NETZ even makes network analysis simpler, efficient and more meaningful. The pre-define graph profiles helps to categorize metrics that the user want to assess. The distributed approach along with combinational network monitoring makes studies precise and accurate. Status reports, dynamic outputs, graphs and dynamic property monitors keep you aware of every network event. NETZ gives complete knowledge of each variable maintained at a network element, even with the non-intelligent components like the connections.


[edit] Design

NETZ was developed in C++ , using several interface libraries and UI supports, providing a windows based simulation platform.

[edit] History

Development on NETZ began at Indian Institute of Technology Kharagpur in the year 2002 with a few students from Electronics and Electrical Engineering Departments taking this up as their academic projects. Eventually a big team of Professors, PhD , Masters and Undergraduate students worked on this simulator to bring it to its present form. With constant feedback from various Universities and professors all over the world and laborious work from the entire team, the first test version of NETZ was released in January 2005. By december 2005, NETZ was in the market with version 1.0 . Since then a number of academic institutions including IITs, NITs and several other reputed colleges have been using this product to carry out their research and other academic work. The latest version of NETZ is 1.1 which was released in July 2006. Reports suggest that upgradate process is going on smoothly and by the end of April 2007, NETZ 1.3 would hit the markets encompassing several other networking technologies, inbuilt programmability and many other features.

[edit] External links

[edit] References