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Nessus can have a number of meanings:

  • Nessus (mythology), a famous centaur from Greek mythology
  • The Tunic or Shirt of Nessus, his poisoned shirt, in the story of Hercules
  • Nessus (software), a computer security tool
  • Nessus (Pierson's Puppeteer), an alien character in Larry Niven's Ringworld books, of the species Pierson's Puppeteer
  • 7066 Nessus, a Centaur planetoid
  • In certain versions of the role-playing game Dungeons & Dragons, a cursed "poisonous cloak" can be seen (after a character has been killed by it, made a saving throw to avoid being killed by it, or has used some magical means to see its true essence) to bear a label from the "Nessus Shirt Company", alluding to the story of the Tunic of Nessus. It is also the ninth layer of Baator
  • Nessus is a fictional metropolis in Gene Wolfe's The Book of the New Sun, staggering in both its size and its age.
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