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Neo222 is a famous Heavengames forummer who is also present on numerous over gaming sites. He started his internet career in 2001, joining the Codemasters forums and then subsequently EE Heaven. Since then he has joined other sites including Total War Center. He occasionaly writes or edits wikipedia articles.

[edit] The Ode of Neo222

Neo222 was a jolly fine chap, a jolly fine chap was he.

He lived in the town of Farnborough, Hampshire and often went to the sea.

With deep green eyes and long curly brown hair

And a passion for life, living without a care

A heart of gold, kind, caring and an awesome friend

Quiet yet bright and hard working to the end

Known to his friends as Hughey Wughey, a delightfull fellow,

his favourite colours included red, blue, green and yellow!

Now he lives in the town of Aldershot and supports Portsmouth FC

And his hobbies include football, school work and playing on his PC

At school his favourite subjects include history and geography

As well as one he only does for fun: GCSE archeology

Outside of school his favourite book and film is the Lord of the Rings

As well as Saving Private Ryan and Gladiator are some of his favourite things

Along with Neverwinter Nights, Terry Pratchett books, R.E.M., Sigur Ros and Coldplay

These are just a selection of his favourite games, bands and books today

[edit] About Neo222

teen This user is a teenager.
This user is proud to be English.
This user is a Piscean.
This user plays football with hands only when tending goals.
POR This user supports Portsmouth.
band-3 This user loves the band Coldplay.
PS2 This user prefers the PlayStation 2 over the GameCube and Xbox.
CG This user's alignment is Chaotic Good: the "Rebel."
This user plays Neverwinter Nights.
This user is left-handed.

[edit] People's Views

"Nice and kind and always looking out for others" - Helena

"Senstive, easily upset and thoughtful" - Charlie

"Intelligent and funny" - Macko

"May look a little pathetic on the outside but a real cool guy at heart." - The Legend

"A shy and reserved intelligent young man, with a passion for history and the ability to do well in those areas skills and practices he enjoys" - Aden

"Quirkey, caring, funny but sometimes a manic depressent, overall a top lad ruined by his choice of footy team" - Craig

"Cool guy." - Anonymous

"Clever, kind, loyal and sensitive" - Rupert

"What a guy!" - Gaius Julius Caesar

"Mad and outrageous though quiet and clever" - Kate

"Quite a man, quite a man indeed" - King Theoden of Rohan

"You’re crazy Hugh and you dance like a mad man!” - Izzy

"Kinkier than Goatse. :)" - Emperor Poontag

en This user is a native speaker of English.
vn-10 This user page has been vandalized 10 times.