Neodymium doped yttrium orthovanadate

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Neodymium doped yttrium orthovanadate (Nd:YVO4) is one of the active laser medium for diode laser-pumped solid-state lasers. It comes as a transparent blue-tinted material. It is birefringent, therefore the rods made of it are usually rectangular.

[edit] Basic Properties

  • Atomic Density: ~1.37x1020 atoms/cm2

[edit] Optical Properties

  • Lasing Wavelengths : 914nm, 1064 nm, 1342 nm
  • Crystal class : positive uniaxial, no=na=nb, ne=nc,
    • no=1.9573, ne=2.1652, @ 1064nm
    • no=1.9721, ne=2.1858, @ 808nm
    • no=2.0210, ne=2.2560, @ 532nm
Nd concentration (atom %) Fluorescence lifetime (μs)@ 1064nm Reference
0.4 110 J. Appl. Phys. 49, 5517-5522 (1978).
1.0 100 CASTECH web site[1]
1.1 90 CASIX web site[2]
2.0 50 CASIX web site[3]
  • Absorption cross-section at 808nm : 5.5x10-20 cm²
  • Polarized Laser Emission : π polarization; parallel to optic axis (c-axis) (for a-cut crystal)
  • Gain Bandwidth : 0.96 nm (257 GHz) @ 1064 nm (for 1.1 atm% Nd doped)

[edit] See also