Neil Farbstein

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Neil Farbstein (b. Brooklyn, New York) is an American scientist. He is president of the nano/biotechnology firm "Vulvox" (see [1],[2]).

[edit] Politics

He has also dabbled in politics; he is currently a Democratic candidate for governor of New York State ([3], [4]).

According to his campaign site, he is running on a platform that includes heavily taxing the wealthy to keep social security afloat, busting the New York State Office of Professions, investigating the New York State Human Rights Division, protecting civil rights, and protecting rights to sue doctors (see [5]).

[edit] Science

He has done pioneering work in the fields of physics and biotechnology ([6], (article from [7]).

He is also well-known for his groundbreaking work in muonic fusion. Muonic fusion is a method of achieving atomic fusion without extremely high temperatures and works as follows: "Protons colliding with the target hydrogen atoms or lithium atoms produce muons that catalyze nuclear fusion when they strike gaseous mixtures of deuterium and tritium. Molecules consisting of deuterium and tritium capture muons and the muon displaces an electron in deuterium or tritium. The greater mass of the muon causes it to orbit the nucleus much closer than the electron it replaces. The muon's tight orbit screens the charge of the nucleus it orbits around, allowing the two nuclei to get much closer to each other. The close internuclear distance permits quantum mechanical tunneling to occur, resulting in nuclear fusion without the extremely high temperatures and pressures necessary in inertial confinement and magnetic confinement type fusion reactors" ([8]).

Vulvox is based in Long Island, where Farbstein lives.