Negative verb

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A negative verb is a verb with help of which negative forms of verbs are formed. The action itself has no personal endings, while the negative verb takes the inflection. The English auxiliary "don't" or "doesn't" combined with a pronoun performs a similar function: one says "we don't make", where "make" has no inflection, and "we don't" is essentially a negative verb, which indicates the person "we" (contrast "he doesn't" with a different person).


[edit] Negative Verb in Various Languages

The negative verb is typical of the Uralic languages. Uralic languages inflect by person, thus one word, the negative verb corresponds to e.g. "I don't" (Finnish en) or "doesn't" (ei).

[edit] Finnish

The negative verb is conjugated in moods and person forms in Finnish. In the present tense, the form of the main verb is just the stem of the present form without a personal ending, e.g. lähdenen lähde ’I leave’ – ’I do not leave’, menisitet menisi ’you would go’ – ’you would not go’, syöneeei syöne ’he/she may eat’ – ’he/she may not eat’, ottakaammeälkäämme ottako ’let us take’ – ’let us not take’. In the imperfect tense, the form of the main verb is the past participle, e.g. otinen ottanut ’I took’ – ’I did not take’, otimmeemme ottaneet ’we took’ – ’we did not take’.

Indicative, conditional, and potential

Person Singular Plural
1. en emme
2. et ette
3. ei eivät


Person Singular Plural
1. - älkäämme
2. älä älkää
3. älköön älkööt

[edit] Estonian

The negative verb is conjugated in moods and person forms in Estonian. Anyway, in the indicative, conditional and potetial, there are no different person forms any more.

Indicative, conditional, and modus obliquus

Person Singular Plural
1. ei ei
2. ei ei
3. ei ei


Person Singular Plural
1. - ärgem
2. ära ärge
3. ärgu ärgu

[edit] Inari Sami

The negative verb is conjugated in moods and person forms in Inari Sami.

Indicative, conditional, and potential mood

Person Singular Dual Plural
1. jie´m eän ep
2. jie´h eppee eppeđ
3. ij eä´vá


Person Singular Dual Plural
1. eällum eäl´loon eällup
2. ele ellee elleđ
3. eä´lus eällus eällus

[edit] Northern Sami

The negative verb is conjugated in moods and person forms in Northern Sami.

Indicative, conditional, and potential mood

Person Singular Dual Plural
1. in ean eat
2. it eahppi ehpet
3. ii eaba eai


Person Singular Dual Plural
1. allon allu allot
2. ale alli allet
3. allos alloska alloset
In other languages