Talk:Navajo Sandstone

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I thought Navajo sandstone was deserving of its own entry in Wikipedia, since it is one of the most impressive formations found in the Colorado plateau and is one of the primary reasons that Utah has so many national parks. (from User:GroupX}

[edit] Alternate names for Moqui Marbles

In the section: Iron Oxide Concretions (Moqui Marbles), I've added the additional names used by enthusiasts, and documented the rock/geology enthusiast's side whree the names were references. This is common usage, so hopefully the reference is sufficiently valid for laymen's terms, just as examples of names used: Moqui Marbles, Moqui Balls, Moki Marbles, Shaman Stones, Thunderballs. They all describe the same physical thing. Just different names people have used over the years.

[edit] See also

Have added concretions, Martian spherules and Stone spheres of Costa Rica to the list of "See Also." I think these are relevant wikipedia-internal references for folks interested in perfectly spherical concretions. I know that similar structures have been found in the SW, Mexico, Costa Rica, Africa, and suspect that similar features remaind to de discovered elsewhere. Cause unknown. Nonetheless interesting to see the parallels. I'd almost suggest that Moqui marbles should have its own page to discuss them in more detail, and to separate them from the sandstone article. Sinec the stone spheres of Costa Rica and Martian spherules have gotten their own Wikipedia pages. But, perhaps it's not necessary, since Moqui Marbles has its own section and can be linked to directly, using the # (target) info.