National postgraduate representative body
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A national postgraduate representative body exists in many countries representing postgraduate students/researchers undertaking their doctorate (PhD) or postdoctoral research. Some have a broader remit to represent all postgraduates, including those taking Master's degrees. A few countries have no specific body but are represented by a national body representing all students, including undergraduates.
In Europe many of the national organisations have come together under the federation Eurodoc.
[edit] List of national postgraduate representative bodies by country
[edit] Specific postgraduate bodies
- Armenia – Ecosocium, Young Scientists NGO
- Australia - Council of Australian Postgraduate Associations [1]
- Belgium – Focus Research [2]
- Bulgaria – Asociacija na doktorantite v Bylgarija (ADB) [3]
- Denmark – Danske Ph.d.-stipendiaters netvaerk [4]
- Estonia – Eesti Noorte Teadlaste Akadeemia [5]
- France – Confédération des jeunes chercheurs (CJC) [6]
- Germany – Thesis [7]
- Greece – Elliniki Epistimoniki Etaireia Ypopsifion Didaktoron [8]
- Hungary – Doktoranduszok Országos Szövetsége (DOSZ) [9]
- Italy – Associazione Dottorandi e Dottori di Ricerca Italiani (ADI) [10]
- Lithuania – Lietuvos Jaunuju Mokslininku Sajunga [11]
- Moldova – ATCM Pro-Stiinta [12]
- Netherlands – Promovendi netwerk nederland (PNN) [13]
- Norway – Stipendiat-organisasjonene i Norge (SiN) [14]
- Poland – Sapere Aude [15]
- Portugal – Associação dos Bolseiros de Investigação Cientifica (ABIC) [16]
- Romania – Ad Astra [17]
- Russia – Young Researchers [18]
- Slovakia – Asociácia doktorandov Slovenska (ADS) [19]
- Slovenia – Drustvo Mladih Raziskovalcev Slovenije (DMRS) [20]
- Spain – Precarios [21]
- Sweden – Sveriges Doktorander (SDok) [22]
- United Kingdom – National Postgraduate Committee (NPC) [23]
[edit] Represented by a body for all students
- Austria - Austrian National Union of Students (Österreichische HochschülerInnenschaft - ÖH) [24]
- Ireland - Union of Students in Ireland (USI) [25]