National Union of Students of Australia

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The National Union of Students is the peak representative body for Australian university students. Most, but not all, student unions in Australian campuses are affiliated to NUS. It represents some 700,000 university students.

The operations of NUS are dominated by several different organised factions, often with close ties to the youth wings of Australian political parties. Current factions at NUS include National Labor Students (Socialist Left), Student Unity (Labor Unity), the Australian Liberal Students Federation (ALSF), the Grassroots Left, Socialist Alternative, the NLC (the international students faction), and the Independents (who organise as a faction).


[edit] History

NUS in its current form came into being in 1987 after the collapse of its predecessor, the Australian Union of Students, in 1984. It was formed at the same time that the Hawke government introduced the Higher Education Contribution Scheme (a system of deferred tuition payments), abolishing the free education system previously introduced by the Whitlam government.

NUS has had mixed success in its role as a lobby group and representative body. In particular, its limited finances have often meant that it has had difficulty making its presence felt on higher education issues. It was successful in the early 1990’s in preventing the implementation of a deferred loan scheme in place of government student financial assistance, and in reducing the qualification age for student financial assistance.

A setback for NUS was the election of the Howard Liberal government in 1996, which had shown hostility towards (left-leaning) tertiary sector representational bodies such as NUS and the National Tertiary Education Union. NUS was unable to prevent the introduction of differential rates of HECS in 1996, but did lobby successfully to stop the introduction of a voucher system by then Education Minister Dr. David Kemp.

NUS is opposed to the principle of Voluntary Student Unionism (VSU), arguing that it denies students effective service provision or representation. However, a concerted push by the ALSF has seen pro-VSU legislation introduced by a number of state governments. NUS has lobbied successfully to have these laws repealed, but has recently failed to resist the introduction of such legislation at a national level.

The union suffered another major setback in 2003 when despite intense lobbying of independent senators, the reform package of Dr. Brendan Nelson passed the Senate. This package permitted the introduction of Domestic Undergraduate Up-Front Fees (DUFF) by universities in addition to HECS places, and allowed universities to increase their HECS rates by 25%. Components of the legislation introducing VSU, and the mandatory offering of the Australian Workplace Agreement as a component of universities’ enterprise bargaining practices were dropped. Relations between NUS and the Federal Government remain strained.

In 2003, NUS membership fees became indexed to CPI, removing some of the strain on the union’s finances but raising fears that many small and regional campus organisations might disaffiliate due to increases in affiliation fees.

Despite NUS having run a campaign in marginal electorates heavily critical of the Howard Government's education policies, the 2004 Australian elections saw the government returned to office with what looked to be effective control of the Senate. VSU was passed by the Senate, putting the future of NUS in doubt.

[edit] See also

List of Office Bearers of the National Union of Students of Australia

[edit] Membership and organisation

NUS is composed of all affiliated student organisations, and is organised at both a National and a State level. Most university student organisations within the major cities are affiliated to NUS. Member organisations pay an annual fee which is indexed to CPI. Most, but not all, major institutions’ student bodies are affiliated to NUS.

The supreme decision-making body of NUS nationally is the National Conference, held annually at the University of Ballarat (Victoria) in December. This conference is the central vehicle for policy debate and the election of national office bearers. Delegates are elected from all financial member organisations. The number of delegates and the number of votes held by delegates from a given campus is dependent on the EFTSU’s (Equivalent Full Time Study Units) of the campus. Smaller-scale annual conferences are also held at a state level to elect state office-bearers.

Queer (Queer Collaborations), Education, Women’s, Small and Regional, Environment (Students of Sustainability) and International Students conferences are also held annually to develop policy specific to those areas.

[edit] Structure

NUS National structure is formalised into office bearers, committees, and departments.

[edit] National office bearers

The NUS national office bearers are:

  • National President
  • National General Secretary/Deputy President
  • National Education Officer
  • National Welfare
  • National Small or/and Regional Campuses Officer
  • National Women's Officer
  • National Ethno-Cultural Officer
  • National Queer Officers (two positions)
  • National Environment Officer

The first five of three positions are full-time. The Environment and Queer Officer positions are all part-time. All of these positions, with the exception of International Students Convenor, are elected annually at NUS National Conference, with terms commencing in January.

The National Women's Officer must live and identify as a woman, as must one of the National Queer Officers.

The position of International Students' Committee Convenor is occupied by the National Convenor of the National Liaison Committee for International Students in Australia Inc.. This is not technically a national office-bearing position, although it does largely function that way in practice. The International Students Convenors are elected in July and commence their term in October.

See also: List of Office Bearers of the National Union of Students of Australia

[edit] National committees

The national committees of NUS are:

  • National Executive
  • National International Students Committee

All other committees and departments were abolished at the 2006 National Conference due to funding restraints.

National Executive consists of the national office-bearers, the International Students' convenor, the presidents of each of the state branches, and twelve general executive members. Of these, only the general executive members and the state presidents have votes. The national president acts as chair and has a casting vote in the event of ties. The National Executive meets face to face three times a year and is responsible for administering the union, subject to decisions of National Conference, and authorising the national budget.

The International Students Committee comprises the National International Students Convenor, and the state International Student Officers (voting). The National International Students Convenor chairs the committee.

[edit] Additional Information

The National Union of Students has attracted criticism over time concerning alleged wastes of student funds by the organisation. Often, while Student Unity held the position of National General Secretary, students found it difficult to view or obtain budgets of how NUS spends its money and this has led to accusations of mismanagement.

A "sweetheart deal" between the two Labor-alligned factions (the National Organisation of Labor Students (dominated by the Labor Left) and Student Unity (dominated by the Labor Right) saw them share President and National General Secretary each year until 2006 when the National Labor Students split at the National Conference and all left wing factions (and ALSF) except NLS supported a progressive Independent candidate for General Secretary. The independent candidate, described by the Sydney Morning Herald as "more left wing than either his predecessor or the opposing candidate," (both of whom were from the Student Unity faction, aligned with the right wing of the Labor Party) was subsequently elected for the term beginning 1 January 2007, bringing to an end Student Unity's control over this position and over the finances of NUS.

Many on the "right-wing" of student politics have criticised the goals of the organisation itself, viewing the NUS as being overtly partisan, and opposing its decisions to fund federal political campaigns against the conservative Howard government. The Australian Liberal Students Federation in particular has a strong dislike of the NUS.

National Union of Students of Australia
Universities: ANU | Adelaide | Ballarat | Bendigo | Canberra | Charles Darwin | Curtin | Edith Cowan | Flinders | Griffith | James Cook | La Trobe | Macquarie | Melbourne | Monash - Caulfield | Monash - Clayton | Murdoch | New England | New South Wales | Newcastle | Queensland | QUT | RMIT | South Australia | Southern Cross - Coffs Harbour | Southern Cross - Lismore | Southern Queensland | Sunshine Coast | Swinburne | Sydney | Tasmania - Hobart | Tasmania - Launceston | UNSW COFA | UTS | Victoria | Western Australia | Western Sydney | Wollongong
Current Factions: Australian Liberal Students Federation | Grassroots Left | Independents | National Labor Students | National Liaison Committee | Socialist Alternative | Student Unity
Former Factions: Australian Labor Students | Left Alliance | Love and Rage | National Broad Left | National Organisation of Labor Students | Non-Aligned Left | Small + Regionals

[edit] External links