National Service Scheme

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National Service Scheme is an Indian government-sponsored programme under the Department of Youth Affairs and Sports of the Government of India. It was started in 1969.


[edit] Motto

The motto of the scheme is "Not me but you".

[edit] Aim

This programme is to inculcate the social welfare thoughts in the students, and to provide service to the society without any prejudice.

[edit] Organisation

Most of the Government and Government Aided Institutions, both schools and colleges has NSS units comprising volunteers. Even the private institutions are encouraged to have NSS volunteers. A unit may typically count from 20 to 40 students. They are managed internally by a responsibility from school or college who reports to the regional NSS co-ordinator. Most of the instituitions incorporate a separate uniform for NSS though it is not mandatory.

[edit] Camps

Camps are conducted annually. The camp is fully funded by the Government of India. The camp is usually located in a rural village or in sub-urbs. Volunteers may involve in
3.Stage shows or Procession creating awareness on social problems, education, cleanliness etc
4.Inviting doctors for health camps.

There are no pre-defined or pre-assigned tasks. It is the volunteers' imagination to provide the service to the society in whatever ways that are feasible. The camps may typically last for a week or ten days. Many short term camps are also conducted.

[edit] Other Programs

In some institutions, volunteers are involved in controlling traffic, regulating queues in temples, controlling stampede in functions. National conferences are held regularly to conduct white paper presentations, project presentations.

It is equivalent to Scouts, National Cadet Corps and other programmes developed for the welfare of the society and the nation.