National Indigenous Organization of Colombia
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The National Indigenous Organization of Colombia (Spanish: Organización Nacional IndÃgena de Colombia or ONIC) is an organization representing the indigenous peoples of Colombia, who comprise some 800,000 people or approximately 2% of the population. The organziation was founded at the first National Indigenouse Congress in 1982. ONIC's program of struggle calls for:
- Defense of indigenous autonomy
- Defense of indigenous territory, and the recovery of usurped territories and collective property of indigenous reserves
- Control of the natural resources situated in indigenous territories
- Pushing forward community economic organizations
- Defense of indigenous history, culture and traditions
- Bilingual and bicultural education under the control of the indigenous authorities
- Recovery and pushing forward of traditonal medicine and demand for health progrms in accordance with the social and cultural characteristics of the communities
- Demanding the application of Law 89 of 1890 and other measures favorable to indigenous peoples
- Solidarity wit hthe struggles of other sectors
- Application of the conclusions of the Organization's Congresses[1]