National Defence Medical Centre

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National Defence Medical Centre
The Ottawa Hospital
Place Ottawa, Ontario, (Canada)
Care System Military
Hospital Type Specialist
Affiliated Med.Sch. Unknown
Emergency Dept. No
Beds 4
Speciality Unknown
Founded Unknown
Website Unknown
See also Hospitals in Canada

The National Defence Medical Centre is a hospital of the Canadian Armed Forces in Ottawa, Canada. They serve the needs of the members of the military, along with The Ottawa Hospital, which it is next door to. All in-patient and surgical services for the Canadian Armed Forces are done at the Civic Campus of The Ottawa Hospital where they have a 4 bed unit, and their own Operating Room.

It was announced in 2003 that they will be moving to 2 floors of the new Montfort Hospital, in the future.

[edit] External link

Flag of Canada Hospitals in Ottawa Flag of Ottawa
Ottawa Hospital | CHEO | Montfort | Queensway-Carleton | Royal Ottawa Mental Health Center | National Defence | Heart Institute