National Coalition for Dialogue and Democracy

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The National Coalition for Dialogue and Deliberation (NCDD) was founded in 2002. It is designed to serve as a central point of communication for many groups dedicated to advancing the concept of deliberative democracy, also known as Consensus decision-making.

The group was founded by Sandy Heierbacher, who has served ever since then as the group's convenor. Heierbacher created the group after she held a deliberative conference in 2002. The contacts gained from that conference became the nucleus of NCDD.

The group currently holds annual conferences which serve as a gathering and forum for deliberative groups from across the US.

Additionally, the group hosts many mailing lists and discussion forums which offer valuable information on a wide array of deliberative techniques.

NCDD's website, , offers a wide variety of links and articles describing many organizations who offer a variety of deliberative methods, as well as many of the techniques themselves.

In fact, NCDD's website is one of its main tools for reaching the deliberative community around the USA and the world. In addition, it offers more conventional organizational activities, such as conferences and seminars.

Thus NCDD itself is an example of one form of deliberative network-building, as well as being a gateway to a variety of other groups and techniques.