Natália Correia

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Natália de Oliveira Correia, GOSE, GOL (b. September 13, 1923 in Fajã de Baixo, São Miguel Island, Azores - March 16, 1993 in Lisbon) was a Portuguese writer, and was the author of the lyrics of Hino dos Açores, the traditional anthem of The Azores.

[edit] Biography

Correia was born in Fajã de Baixo near downtown Ponta Delgada, on São Miguel island in the Azores on September 13, 1923. She emigrated to Lisbon when she was 11. She collaborated in the publication of various periodicals and was the deputy of the Portugues Social Democratic Party. She was one of the most important activists in the fight against fascism in her country, and a prominent defender of culture, human rights and womens' rights in particular. She is considered one of the most important figures in 20th century Portuguese literature.

Correia's deep affection for her native island's native beauty is demonstrated profoundly in the themes, images and symbols portrayed in her works, as well as by her association with contemporaries Antero de Quental and Vitorino Nemésio. She was much influenced by surrealism, Galician-Portuguese poetry, and mysticism, and her works span the spectrum from poetic romanticism to satire. She worked in many different genres: poetry, essays, theatre, and anthologies.

Correia participated in several political oppositional movements, opposing Estado Novo (New State) and supporting MUD (Movimento de Unidade Democrática in 1945). At one point, Correia spent three years in prison, under a suspended penalty, for the publication of a poem deemed offensive by authorities. In 1980 she was elected to Parliament as a member of the PPD (Partido Popular Democrático).

In 1991, Natália Correia received an award from Grande Prémio de Poesia da Associação Portuguesa de Escritores (Grand Premium of Poems of the Portuguese Writers Association) for her book Sonetos Românticos (Romantic Sonnets). In the same year, she was admitted to the Ordem da Liberdade and Ordem de Santiago.

Natália Correia died on March 16, 1993 in Lisbon.

[edit] Literature

  • Grandes Aventuras de um Pequeno Herói (=Great Adventures of A Little Hero) (infantile romance), 1945
  • Anoiteceu no Bairro (romance), 1946 ; 2004
  • Rio de Nuvens (poem), 1947
  • Descobri Que Era Europeia: impressões duma viagem à América, 1951 ; 2002
  • Sucubina ou a Teoria do Chapéu (theatrical), with Manuel de Lima, 1952
  • Poemas = Poems (poem), 1955
  • Dimensão Encontrada (poem), 1957
  • O Progresso de Édipo (dramatic poem), 1957
  • Passaporte = Passport (poem), 1958
  • Poesia de Arte e Realismo Poético (Art Poems and Poetic Realisms) (essay), 1959
  • Comunicação = Communication (dramatic poem), 1959
  • Cântico do País Emerso (poem), 1961
  • A Questão Académica de 1907 (An Academic Question of 1907) (essay), 1962
  • Antologia de Poesia Portuguesa Erótica e Satírica: dos cancioneiros medievais à actualidade (anthology), 1965 ; 2000
  • O Homúnculo, tragédia jocosa (theatrical), 1965
  • Mátria (poem), 1967 a
  • A Madona (romance), 1968 ; 2000
  • O Encoberto (theatrical), 1969 ; 1977
  • O Vinho e a Lira (poem), 1969
  • Cantares dos Trovadores Galego-Portugueses (anthology), 1970 ; 1998
  • As Maçãs de Orestes (poem), 1970
  • Trovas de D. Dinis, [Trobas d'el Rey D. Denis] (poem), 1970
  • A Mosca Iluminada (poem), 1972
  • O Surrealismo na Poesia Portuguesa (The Surrealism in Portuguese Poetry) (anthology), 1973 ; 2002
  • A Mulher, antologia poética (anthology), 1973
  • O Anjo do Ocidente à Entrada do Ferro (poem), 197llc3
  • Uma Estátua para Herodes (Ensaio), 1974
  • Poemas a Rebate, (poem), 1975
  • Epístola aos Iamitas (poem), 1976
  • Não Percas a Rosa. Diário e algo mais (25 de Abril de 1974 - 20 de Dezembro de 1975) (diary), 1978 ; 2003
  • O Dilúvio e a Pomba (poem), 1979
  • Erros Meus, Má Fortuna, Amor Ardente (theatrical), 1981 ; 1991
  • Antologia de Poesia do Período Barroco (Poetic Anthology of the Baroque Period) (anthology), 1982
  • Notas para uma Introdução às Cantigas de Escárnio e de Mal-Dizer Galego-Portuguesas (essay), 1982
  • A Ilha de Sam Nunca: atlantismo e insularidade na poesia de António de Sousa (anthology), 1982
  • A Ilha de Circe (Circe's Island) (romance), 1983 ; 2001
  • A Pécora, peça escrita em 1967 (theatrical), 1983 ; 1990
  • O Armistício (poem) = The Armistice, 1985 a
  • Onde está o Menino Jesus? , 1987
  • Somos Todos Hispanos (essay), 1988 ; 2003
  • Sonetos Românticos (Romantic Sonnets) (poem), 1990 ; 1991
  • As Núpcias (Romance), 1992
  • O Sol nas Noites e o Luar nos Dias (The Sun in the Nights And The Moon During The Days]] (complete poem), 1993 ; 2000
  • Memória da Sombra, versos para esculturas de António Matos (poem), 1993l
  • D. João e Julieta, peça escrita em 1959 (theatrical), 1999
  • A Ibericidade na Dramaturgia Portuguesa (essay), 2000
  • Breve História da Mulher e outros escritos (anthology), 2003
  • A Estrela de Cada Um (anthology), 2004
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