Nash Latkje

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Official artwork of Nash by Konami
Official artwork of Nash by Konami

Nash Latkje is a character in Konami's role playing game Suikoden III and in Suikogaiden Vol. 1. He is the protagonist in the latter.


[edit] Statistics

Name: Nash Latkje
Alias: Nash Clovis
Origin: Holy Kingdom of Harmonia
Age: 22 (Suikogaiden), 37 (Suikoden III)
Race: Human
Family: Julie Latkje (sister), Lena Sophina (aunt), wife (identity unknown)
Affiliation: None
Previous Affiliations: Harmonian Southern Fringe Security Force, Flame Champion's Forces

[edit] Background

Nash was the eldest son of the powerful and well-known Latkje family. As part of a family of first class citizen, Nash grew up surrounded by everything he needed, including the love of his parents and his sister, Julie. He also grew up with his aunt Lena Suphina, who is actually only three years older than him. His family had a very strict view on education and therefore Nash was sent to the Howling Voice Guild for training under Master Sauro.

After enduring two years of intensive training, he entered the Temple Guards and mastered the use of his family heirloom - the Double Snake Sword, Grosser Fluss. However misfortune struck the Latkje family when Nash's father and mother both died of a mysterious illness. The only good news after this was the engagement of his sister Julie to her tutor, Zaj Quilos, adopted son of the Quilos family. During this time, Nash took a tissue sample of his dead father to Master Sauro. His father was poisoned by a type of slow-acting poison only known to members of the Howling Voice Guild. Nash then discovered a squire class gunner called "Zaj of the Black Moon". On the eve of his sister's wedding, Nash confronted Zaj about his true identity. Zaj initially acted as if he was innocent, but later admitted that he gave the poison to Nash's parents. He regretted that his plans to take over the Latkje household didn't go as he has planned. Upon seeing a pistol slide into Zaj's hand, Nash drew Grosser Fluss and gave Zaj a mortal wound. He then fled Crystal Valley. Due to these events, the Latkje family was virtually destroyed and Julie was taken under the protection of a Harmonian high priest.

Nash eventually joined the Harmonian Southern Fringe Security Force where he performed various missions. One of those missions was to proceed to Jowston to learn more about the True Runes. This is where he met Sierra Mikain who was searching for Neclord as well as her former companion Rean. Later on, they found and confronted Rean in his manor where Nash helped Sierra fight Rean, even offering his blood to help her regain consciousnes at one point.

Later on, during this same mission he learned that Zaj was still alive and was still trying to kill him. He ran into Zaj at Greenhill, where Nash was helping Teresa Wisemail fight against Highland. Nash then returned journey to Crystal Valley to fight with Zaj who he defeated after a deadly duel. His aunt, Lena Suphala asked Nash to stay, but Nash disappeared. Sometime within the next 15 years, Nash got married, or so he claims in Suikoden III; although he frequently mentions his "missus," we never see her or learn her identity.

In Suikoden III he resurfaces in Grasslands at the outbreak of the Second Fire Bringer War, aiding Chris Lightfellow (at the request of Salome), and later the Fire Bringer against the forces of the Harmonian Bishop, Luc. For reasons unknown at this time, he operated under the last name of 'Clovis'. After the war, however, he simply disappears. His current whereabouts are unknown.

[edit] Weapon

Nash is a psychological fighter who uses a wide arsenal of weapons and tricks to defeat his opponents. He also possesses inhuman fighting skills when wielding Grosser Fluss. However, he prefers to use Grosser Fluss only in the most dire of circumstances due to a "curse" of the sword which makes Nash unable to distinguish between friend or foe.

[edit] Trivia

  • Nash is the main protagonist of Genso Suikogaiden Vol. 1 - Swordsman of Harmonia which follows his time in the HSFSF, particularly his mission in Jowston.
  • The identity of Nash's wife (if he in fact actually has one) is a frequently speculated topic amongst fans. The most popular candidate is Sierra Mikain from Suikoden II. If Nash is given Sierra's (or the Narrator's) role in the Suikoden II "play" put on by Nadir, he sarcastically refers to himself as "Old Hag Sierra" and says that "I'm arrogant, never keep promises, and suck people's blood at any chance." Nash also claims to Chris that his "missus" is quite a handful, which would seem to describe Sierra. Other oft-mentioned candidates for this role are Elza (assuming she is not in fact dead after the events of Suikoden II) and Nina.
Preceded by
Tensoku Star Succeeded by

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