Narendra III
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In the fictional Star Trek storyline, Narendra III is a Klingon outpost planet that was attacked by a squadron of Romulan warbirds in the year 2344. It was due mainly to the efforts of the Enterprise-C that the colony survived the attack. Although the Enterprise-C was destroyed in the attack, its honorable sacrifice helped further cement the good relations formed between the Federation and the Klingon Empire stemming from the Khitomer Accords. The two powers have maintained good relations (save for a year-long temporary interruption) until the "present day".
The details surrounding this fictional planet are revealed in "Yesterday's Enterprise". Before being destroyed, the Enterprise-C was thrown forward in time by entering a temporal rift caused by the massive amounts of energy weapons fire. This caused an alternate timeline that was eventually reversed when the Enterprise-C re-entered the rift and returned to take its place in history.