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Nakamichi Corporate Logo
Nakamichi Corporate Logo

Nakamichi is a historic high end audio audio company most famous for its innovative and very high quality cassette decks. It is now part of the Grande Group, a Singapore-based conglomerate.

Nakamichi was founded in 1948, manufacturing portable radios, tone arms, speakers, and communications equipment. In 1972, Nakamichi launched its first Nakamichi-brand products, home audio gear that included the world's first three-head cassette deck. In 1999, the Nakamichi-brand SoundSpace audio and home theater audio systems was introduced, all design-oriented products that could be hung on a wall. Nakamichi also sells a line of higher-quality mini systems, to a market similar to that sought by Bang & Olufsen, as well as selling automotive stereo products and home theater items.


[edit] Background

Nakamichi is a Japanese manufacturer founded by Etsuro Nakamichi (affectionally known as "the Dragon") and later headed by his sons, Ted and Niro. The company originally was set up to act as a manufacturer of electric household products but quickly became known as a developer and later manufacturer of quality audio products. Their cassette decks were particularly well known, but in fact the company also made some spectacular other products such as the innovative record players and DAT recorders, and the company managed to garner an impressive level of brand loyalty.

In 1973 Nakamichi created stereo cassette decks with such high quality that eventually made reel-to-reel tape recorders obsolete for consumers. The Nakamichi 1000 and 700 were regarded as two of the finest cassette recorders made in the mid-1970s. They had three heads, dual capstan drive that reduced wow and flutter to new low levels, and Dolby-B noise reduction to improve the signal to noise ratio. The feature that really set them apart was the adjustable record head azimuth and Dolby calibration that could be optimized for each cassette tape. Many audiophiles aspired to but could not afford a Nakamichi 1000 or 700 (whose model number was derived from the list price), so Nakamichi came out with more economical two-head models such as the Nakamichi 500 and the silver wedge-shaped 600.

Nakamichi pushed live recording with their Nakamichi 550, a portable cassette recorder that had three microphone inputs: one for left channel, one for right channel, and one for a center blend channel. This recorder could run from batteries or AC and was used to make very high quality recordings in the field. All of these products were known for top-notch engineering and sound quality.

In the late 1970s Nakamichi updated their machines with the Nakamichi 1000 II, the 700 II, and other midrange and low-end models, but overall they became more complex and less reliable, and prices were raised as well. They branched out into other audio components such as amplifiers and eventually speakers, but these products were never as highly regarded by the audio community as their cassette decks were.

In the early 1980s Nakamichi came out with further refinements in a successor top-of-the-line machine, the Nakamichi 1000ZXL. Prices pushed upward again, with this machine being $3,800 at the time. The updated 700ZXL was a mere $3,000. Low-end cassette decks sold new for under $200, with the Nakamichi name on them. This time period stands as the pinnacle for cassette recorders, as from that time onwards digital recording methods began to make inroads.

[edit] The meaning of the brand name & logo

The Nakamichi logo consists, in part, of the stylized representation of the letter "N"; it is also intended to represent in a fanciful way the earth, half of which is illuminated by the sun.

The Japanese to English translation of the word "NAKAMICHI" in the mark is "in the middle of a road" or "midway".

[edit] Notable Nakamichi products and advances

[edit] Three-Head Cassette Decks

Nakamichi was the first to use a three-head recording technique in a cassette deck. Separate tape heads were used for playback, recording, and erase, whereas prior methods combined the playback/recording function into a single tape head. The three-head mechanism was optimized for each head and allowed the user to monitor the recording quality as it happened. This feature was limited to their higher end units.

[edit] Flip-Auto Reverse

Nakamichi RX-505 audio cassette deck with UDAR.
Nakamichi RX-505 audio cassette deck with UDAR.
Top view of UDAR mechanism.
Top view of UDAR mechanism.

Called "UDAR" for UniDirectional Auto Reverse. Used on the Nakamichi RX series of decks. With the advent of auto-reverse (playing the tape in both directions), Nakamichi recognized that the angle of the tape passing over the playback head was not optimized if the tape was simply turned in the opposite direction. Thus, Nakamichi developed its UDAR mechanism. This was a mechanical system that would eject the tape, spin it around and reload it into the deck. It was available on all Nakamichi RX series of tape decks, i.e., the RX-202, RX-303 and RX-505.

[edit] Tape Pressure Pad Lifter

A cassette tape contains a "pressure pad" of some type, usually made of felt (Reference- image). This pad is within the tape shell and opposes the magnetic head of the cassette deck, providing pressure when the tape is being played. Nakamichi's tape decks provided such accurate and precise pressure on the tape that they contained a device to lift the pad so that it would not provide inconsistent pressure when it was being played back. This lifting system was unique to Nakamichi.

[edit] The Dragon and Special Products

In the CD era (post 1983), the top line Nakamichi products were termed the "Dragon." The Dragon-CT turntable ("Computing Turntable") automatically adjusted for off-center holes in records by moving the platter in two dimensions. The Dragon CD playing system has special mechanical dampening to prevent vibrations of the CD, and holds multiple CDs. The Dragon cassette deck used a special microprocessor controlled azimuth adjustment called Nakamichi Automatic Azimuth Correction (NAAC) to implement auto-reverse. Because it optimized the angle of the tape head when switching directions, it did not need to eject the tape and spin it around to maintain proper tape head alignment (as with the Nakamichi RX series).

Other products from Nakamichi did not acquire the "Dragon" name but were still notable. These include the Nakamichi 1000 series products with the 1000ZXL cassette deck being more advanced and expensive than the Dragon cassette deck. The Nakamichi 1000 digital audio tape transport and Nakamichi 1000p digital to audio converter system were Nakamichi's reference digital audio tape components. These components were intended to establish Nakamichi's dominance in the field of digital audio tape (DAT), but DAT was not widely adopted by audiophiles, as the format itself did not gain acceptance as an industry standard.

[edit] Stasis Series Amplifiers

Nakamichi licensed "Stasis" technology from powerhouse amplifier manufacturer Threshold (a class A amplifier circuit by Nelson Pass, then a designer at Threshold, now at Pass Labs). This circuit was used in a line of expensive Nakamichi PA series of power-amplifiers, such as the PA-5 and PA-7, as well as their SR and TA series of receivers.

[edit] Car Stereo Products

In the early 1980s, Nakamichi introduced a line of car stereo products. The flagship product was the TD-1200 cassette receiver which incorporated a drawer-mounted, top-loading cassette mechanism with NAAC, Dolby B and Dolby C. Other early products included the TD-700 cassette receiver with manual azimuth correction, a power amplifier and speakers. In the early 90s, Nakamichi was one of the first companies to produce automotive CD changers that loaded multiple discs via a single slot rather than a CD cartridge.

Another follow-on flagship head unit was the TP-1200, which consisted of a headunit and a separate 'black box' pre-amp section. The casing for both units was made from machined aluminium, and the internal circuitry for both units was suspended using a mechanical suspension system. The headunit contained a diversity tuner and display unit only. The Pre-amp section performed input switching, volume and tone adjustment. The tone controls (bass-mid-treble) were motor driven analog controls while the volume, balance and fader were digital.

Other products of note were the 100PA amplifier and the limited edition version the 1000PA. Both were identical in specifications (4x50wrms)and internal layout, the only difference being the case color. The 100PA was silver and the 1000PA black.

[edit] The decline of Nakamichi

Nakamichi has never held its prominent position in audio technology since that time, as they failed to move to computers, DAT, CDs and other new technologies with the same excellence that they had done with cassette recording. With the decline of analog taping, Nakamichi was unable to retain its appeal to the high end audio community.

By the 1990s Nakamichi was largely forgotten. It was acquired by the Grande Holdings, but was allowed to be run independently and with mostly the original management and design teams. Niro Nakamichi left in 1998 to set up Mechanical Research Corporation. The company went into bankruptcy protection on February 19, 2002.

[edit] Phoenix from the ashes

Today, it seems to have re-emerged after a reorganisation, repositioned in the high quality "lifestyle" systems" a la Bang & Olufsen. They also manufacture a range of CD changers available for Hi-fi, computer or car audio use, and indeed have a big in-car audio range. Unusually enough, parts of that range are designed and built in the USA.

[edit] Niro Nakamichi

In 2001, Niro Nakamichi, designer of many of the historic tape decks, started a new company, Mechanical Research Corporation, which introduced ultra high end audio amplifiers, preamplifiers, and an integrated amplifier, called "engines." The products featured innovative designs and addressed issues of mechanical isolation, as well as presenting a unique appearance [1]. Soon thereafter, however, the "engine" products were no longer promoted and a line of home theater products was introduced [2]. These new products attempt surround sound using very few speakers and so far have lacked high end appeal.

[edit] See also

[edit] External links

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