Núcleo José Reis de Divulgação Científica

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The Núcleo José Reis de Divulgação Científica (José Reis Nucleus for the Divulgation of Science, in Portuguese language) was created by the School of Communications and Arts of the University of São Paulo (ECA/USP), in São Paulo, Brazil, with an interdepartmental character. Among the regimental objectives of the Nucleus, the following items stand out:

  1. To promote and carry through research, offer courses, seminars, expert advice, publications editing and other academic activities that contribute to the study and improvement of theories, techniques and forms of divulgation of science & technology and human understanding, aiming at the popularization of science generated by universities and research institutes.
  2. To cooperate with universities and research institutes in order to enhance their capacity to divulge science and technology.
  3. To establish relationships and promote interchange with similar national and international institutions.
  4. To support researchers or professionals from other institutions who are interested in developing projects in the field of scientific divulgation.

The Nucleus is named in honour of the prominent Brazilian scientist and dean of science writing for the lay public, Dr. José Reis.

Adopting Dr. José Reis’ life and example as its leitmotiv, the Research Nucleus attempts to make of science divulgation a permanent exercise of new forms of communicating the conquests of science & technology, making them accessible to the layperson. What is the worth of research conducted in a project if it does not lead the common person to improve his quality of life?

With this intention in mind, the José Reis Nucleus for the Divulgation of Science at ECA/USP proposes to accomplish a work directed toward enabling communicators to convey science in a coherent and efficient manner, avoiding the superficiality that so often characterizes such activities, and, at the same time, to train researchers on how to relate with the mass media, allowing them to become popularizers of their own work.

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