My Fair Laddy

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The Simpsons episode
"My Fair Laddy"
Episode no. 368
Prod. code HABF05
Orig. Airdate February 26, 2006
Writer(s) Michael Price
Director Bob Anderson
Couch gag Claymation versions of the Simpsons and Gumby roll onto the couch
SNPP capsule
Season 17
September 11, 2005May 21, 2006
  1. Bonfire of the Manatees
  2. The Girl Who Slept Too Little
  3. Milhouse of Sand and Fog
  4. Treehouse of Horror XVI
  5. Marge's Son Poisoning
  6. See Homer Run
  7. The Last of the Red Hat Mamas
  8. The Italian Bob
  9. Simpsons Christmas Stories
  10. Homer's Paternity Coot
  11. We're on the Road to D'ohwhere
  12. My Fair Laddy
  13. The Seemingly Never-Ending Story
  14. Bart Has Two Mommies
  15. Homer Simpson, This Is Your Wife
  16. Million Dollar Abie
  17. Kiss Kiss, Bang Bangalore
  18. The Wettest Stories Ever Told
  19. Girls Just Want to Have Sums
  20. Regarding Margie
  21. The Monkey Suit
  22. Marge and Homer Turn a Couple Play
List of all Simpsons episodes...

"My Fair Laddy" is the twelfth episode of The Simpsons' seventeenth season. It first aired in the US on February 26, 2006. It aired in the UK on March 26, 2006.


[edit] Synopsis

When the old gym teacher announces that she will be gone until fall because of her sex change operation, a substitute takes her place. Every gym class, he has them play a game called "Bombardment," which basically just involves him throwing dodgeballs at the students. When Bart gets sick of the constant bullying, he fills a ball full of water and sticks it in the freezer overnight (Nelson calls it an Ice-ball). The next day, he throws it at the gym teacher, who ducks, and the ball crashes through the window and hits Willie's shack and destroys it. When Marge picks up Bart from school and sees Willie homeless, she offers to let him stay at their house, and he accepts (after realizing that the "pan over [his] head" was actually a colander). When there, Lisa has Willie realize that his life could be much better, and she decides to turn him into a proper gentlemen. Bart, however, doesn't believe that she can do it, but Lisa bets that she can do it in time for the school science fair.

Meanwhile, Homer comes home with his last pair of blue pants ripped and torn after his seat breaks at the go-cart track. As he searches through town for a new pair, he finds no store that sells his favorite type of pants. When he goes to the factory that sells them, the manager tells him that they don't make blue pants anymore due to poor sales, but Homer tells him that he'll get more customers. Not surprisingly for him, he does this by writing "Buy blue pants" on the back of his head. However, it works, and soon everyone is wearing blue pants.

While this is happening, Lisa is struggling to get Willie to act sophisticated. Soon, it is the day before the science fair, and he is still his same old self. When he sees how disappointed Lisa is, he suddenly surprises both Bart and Lisa by correctly (and with a 'proper' accent/dialect) saying a sentence she gave him. At the science fair the next day, he impresses everyone with his politeness. However, no one actually knows that it is the old groundskeeper until Lisa announces it to everyone. Once again, she wins the science fair, and the bet along with it.

Even though he is respected by everybody, Willie misses his old life, but his job and his shack were both taken by the music teacher. He explains to Lisa that he wishes to go back to the way things were, and she understands. Soon, he's back to cleaning and living in his shack.

[edit] Trivia

  • In the show's entire 17-year run, this is the very first full-length episode centered around Groundskeeper Willie. He was, however, the central character in "Nightmare on Evergreen Terrace", one of the three segments of "Treehouse of Horror VI", and had a large amount of screentime devoted to him in "Girly Edition"—in which his shack was also destroyed by Bart's shenanigans and left him temporarily homeless.
  • Connections: This episode covers the same topic as "My Fair Lady." This episode is also somewhat similar to the season 11 episode "Pygmoelian", in the sense that it features another secondary character getting a 'makeover' or 'new look', last time it was Moe Szyslak. "My Fair Lady" is also a retelling of Pygmalion.
  • In the gym teacher's datebook, "Double Bombardment" is listed on Christmas.
  • In this episode's end credits,instead of the normal music there was a mix-up of the songs (without words)"Wouldn't it be adequate?", "What flows from the nose does not go on my clothes", "I could be indoors all night" and "I miss being a groundskeeper".
  • The man in the commercial sits down and the music stops, but when homer and Eli Stern VI are have stopped talking, he is up again and the music is playing
  • Richard has blue hair in this episode.

[edit] Cultural references

[edit] Quotes

  • Willie: (talking about the "Home, Sweet Home" sign Lisa made for him) You made that for me? (sniffles) I think I need a moment alone.
    Lisa: I understand. (leaves)
    (when she's gone, Willie takes the sign off the wall and smashes it)
    Willie: I liked it the way it was!
  • (Marge is amazed by the ad on Homer's head when he turns out the lights)
    Marge: Wow, it glows in the dark.
    Homer: (nervously) It's not supposed to.
  • Gym Teacher: Bombardment! Bombardment! Bombardment!
  • Jimbo: Look at her, trying to civilize Willie! That's as unlikely as Kearney going around the world in eighty days!
    Kearney: (has a thought) Eighty days? More than ample time to circumnavigate the globe.
    Jimbo: Would you care to wager on that?
    Kearney: You're on!
    Dolph: I shall hold the money!
    (they both hand the money to Dolph and Kearney bikes off screen right. A few seconds later, a hot-air balloon appears going the opposite way)
    Kearney (in balloon): To Istanbul!
    Jimbo: Wrong way, dingus!
  • Gym Teacher: Today we will be playing a game as old as pain itself, BOMBARDMENT!
    Milhouse: I'm intrigued! What are the rules?
    Gym Teacher: DUCK OR DIE!! (smacks Milhouse with a ball)
  • Gym Teacher: VAN HOUTEN!
    Milhouse: (sheepishly) Here, sir, but my doctor says no more bombardment
    Gym Teacher: WELL HERE'S A SECOND OPINION! (the gym teacher chucks a dodgeball at Milhouse) MUNTZ!
    Nelson: Do your worst! I'm drunk!
    Gym Teacher: Well welcome to A.A., ALWAYS ATTACKING! (the gym teacher chucks a dodgeball at Nelson)
  • Lisa: Good night, Willie!
    Willie: Good night! (hits himself on the head with a hammer, then falls asleep)
  • Lisa: Willie, in the next few weeks I'll be teaching you poise, pronunciation and posture. Let's see you stand up as straight as you can.
    Willie: Well, there's a first time for everything. (panics) I'm too far off the ground! Lisa, come up here and help me down! (Lisa helps him down) So, how'm I doin'?
  • Gym Teacher: (after he hits Bart with a ball) Son, are you all right?
    Bart: I think so...
    Gym Teacher: Bombardment! (hits Bart with a ball again)
  • Bart (puts a water dodgeball in the freezer and takes out Lisa's saxophone): Why did I put this in here?
    Lisa: My saxophone! (begins playing, but her lips get stuck)
    Bart: Oh, now I remember!
    Lisa (muffled): You jerk! I'm telling Mom!
  • (Homer is on a go-kart when his seat collapses, causing his butt to scrape the ground)
    Squeaky-Voiced Teen: Sir, your go-kart's broken!
    Homer: No! I paid for fifty laps and I'm taking them!
    (Homer then has brief moments of laughter followed by brief moments of pain. He passes the lap sign, which goes from "2" to "3".)
  • Groundskeeper Largo: Oh for God's sake! (camera pulls out, revealing his tractor is on the school roof) How did I get up here?
  • Willie: I feel like I... (singing to the tune of "I Could Have Danced All Night) Could be indoors all night, could use a fork and knife, and ne-ver soil-my-suit! I could be so-polite,start not a scene-nor fight,and ne-ver feel-like a fruit,how very nice that there's no lice-in-my hair,and my toe-nails,i-don't bite,now-that-iv'e reached the-stage,where i'm not full-of-rage,i could be indoors,indoors-all-night!
  • Willie: (sings to the tune of "Wouldn't it be Loverly") All I want is a place somewhere...
    Lisa: (pause) And?
    Willie: That's it.
    Bart: Maybe you should aim a little higher.
    Willie: Hmm...Let's see... (continues singing) Oh, to have me shack rebuilt, get my rotten teeth all drillt, something on underneath my kilt, oh, wouldn't it be adequate? Matching shoes for both me feet, dining on untainted meat, a toilet what still has its seat.
    (zoom to Homer sitting on the toilet reading a newspaper)
    Homer: (singing) Oh, wouldn't it be adequate?
    Bart and Lisa: (singing) Adequate... Adequate...
    Willie: (singing) Wouldn't it be adequate? (tries to close the living room's curtains but they fall down)
  • Homer (watching Super Bowl ad for blue pants): How long is this ad?
    Executive: I don't know. I've never made it to the end.
  • Willie: (sings to the tune of "The Rain in Spain") What flows from the nose does not go on my clothes.
    Lisa: I think he's got it, oh yes, he's got it.
    Willie: (in front of Lisa's mirror) What flows from the nose-
    Willie's mirror reflection: -Does not go on my clothes.
    Willie: Gah! A talking mirror! (takes a chair and smashes Lisa's mirror) Gah! (takes Bart and Lisa's noses and makes them turn around in the air)
    Lisa: Where is that ghastly flow?
    Willie: The nose, the nose!
    Lisa: And where should it not go?
    Homer: Blue pants, blue pants!
    Lisa: (stops singing) Dad, get your own song!
    Homer: Fine. (goes away singing to the tune of "I'm Getting Married in the Morning") I'm getting blue pants in the morning! Ding dong, the zipper's gonna shine!
  • Willie (singing to the tune of "The Street Where You Live"): I've a fancy suit, and a clean white shirt, but I miss the days where tractor fumes blew of my skirt. I was freezing cold, and I slept in mold, but I long for the shack where I lived! She was true to me, my own home of wood, and when I passed out drunk from turpentine, she understood. Life was so sublime--
    Groundskeeper Largo:Well, boo-hoo, 'cause I'm hanging ferns in the shack where you lived! (stops singing) If I had your voice I'd talk-sing everything!
  • Marge: Willie, do you want to stay at our house?
    Willie: I don't need your charity, just as long as I've got a pan over my head.
    Marge: That's a colander.
    Willie (sees that Marge is right): So that's where all the soup went.

[edit] Broadcasting information


UK & Ireland (Sky One)




New Zealand

[edit] External links