Music of Tatarstan

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Music of Russia
Genres classical — folk — psytrance — pop — hip hoprock
History (Timeline and Samples)
Awards MTV Russia Music Awards
Festivals Bard Music Festival
National anthem "Hymn of the Russian Federation"
Regional music
AdygeaAltai - Astrakhan - BashkortostanBuryatiaChechnya — Chukotka — Chuvashia — DagestanEvenkia - IngushetiaIrkutskKaliningradKalmykia — Kamchatka — KareliaKhakassia — Khantia-Mansia - Komi Republic - Krasnodar — Mari El — MordoviaNenetsiaOssetiaRostovEthnic RussianSakha — Sakhalin — TatarstanTuvaUdmurtia

Tatarstan is a region of Russia, inhabited by the Tatars. Their traditional music is a mixture of Turkic and Finno-Ugric elements. Instrumental dance music, secular song and sacred music are all a part of Tatar folk. Instrumentation includes kubyz (violin), surnay, quray (flute) and accordion-talianka.

In the mid-20th century, a number of Tatar composers became renowned, including Cäwdät Fäyzi, Salix Saydash, Mansur Mozaffarov and Näcip Cihanov.

See also: Tatar rock.

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