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Greyhawk Deity
Title(s) The White Paladin
Home Plane Oerth
Power Level Hero-deity
Alignment Lawful Good
Portfolio Magical Technology
Domains Good, Knowledge, Law
Alias(es) none
Superior Heironeous

In the World of Greyhawk campaign setting for the Dungeons & Dragons role-playing game, Murlynd is the Oeridian god of Magical Technology.


[edit] Description

Murlynd takes the form of a handsome Oeridian male with weathered features. He is clothed in worn leather, and wears a light-colored hat of a type unfamiliar to the Flanaess. He appears aloof and taciturn, though he is quite personable among his allies. Murlynd is dangerous only when provoked by evil beings. He is known to wield the longsword, battle axe, and crossbow, as well as weapons of more unusual make. Murlynd is especially fond of a pair of strange, hand-held weapons that emit powerful projectiles. He has referred to these weapons variously as "45's," "six shooters," and "hog legs."

Note: An illustration in Dragon #71 showed Murlynd dressed in "Old West" garb, wearing a cowboy hat. In fact, the illustration bore a strong resemblance to John Wayne.

[edit] Clergy and temples

Murlynd's symbol is a solid, six-pointed star with rounded points. His holy book, which often bears this symbol, is titled Murlynd's Early Adventures & Subsequent Ventures.

Murlynd's priests strive to uphold the virtues of law and good, and often work with the clergy of Heironeous toward this end. They use their knowledge of technology to aid the common man, and are encouraged to invent new devices and improve upon old ones. They work to destroy extremely dangerous magical or technological devices, and often find themselves working toward this end with followers of Phaulkon.

[edit] History

Murlynd's origins are unknown, other than his ethnic background. What is known is that he aided Zagyg in imprisoning Iuz beneath Castle Greyhawk, which has earned him an enemy in the Old One for life. At some point, Murlynd was sponsored to godhood by Heironeous. He is also known to be an ally of Celestian, Phaulkon, and several hero-deities.

[edit] Murlynd's Spoon

Murlynd's Spoon is a magic item, a typical-looking spoon. When placed in an empty bowl, cup, or dish, the vessel fills with a thick, pasty gruel that tastes like wet cardboard, but nourishes a creature as much as a full meal.

[edit] Spells

The following arcane spells are attributed to Murlynd:

  • Murlynd's Ogre
  • Murlynd's Void

[edit] References

  • Brown, Anne. Player's Guide (TSR, 1998).
  • Moore, Roger E. The Adventure Begins (TSR, 1998).
  • Moore, Roger E. Return of the Eight (TSR, 1998).
  • Reynolds, Sean K, and Chris Pramas. Slavers (TSR, 2000).