
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Sec This user is in secondary school and has tons of homework to do,
so he or she should be doing that instead!
This user's favourite subject is Linguistics.
IB This user is a graduate or student of the International Baccalaureate.
fr Cet utilisateur a pour langue maternelle le français.
en-ca-N This user is a native speaker of Canadian English.
en-us-3 This user has an advanced understanding of American English.
es-1 Este usuario puede contribuir con un nivel básico de español.
de-1 Dieser Benutzer hat grundlegende Deutschkenntnisse.
zh-1 該用戶能以基本中文進行交流。
1337-1 Th1s us3r is 4bl3 t0 c0ntribut3 with 4 b4si< l3v3l of 1337.

pig-1 Isthay useryay isyay ableyay otay ontributecay ithway ayay asicbay evellay ofyay Igpay Atinlay.
This user has a basic understanding of the Cyrillic alphabet.
ipa-3 This user has an advanced understanding of the International Phonetic Alphabet.
BS-5 This user is able to contribute with a professional level of Bullshit.
... This user would like to know oodles more languages.
a²+b²=c² This user is an intermediate mathematician.
SI This user uses the metric system and loves it.
ft-lb-0 This user does not use U.S. Customary Units (or does not wish to use U.S. Customary Units).
\sum This user is greater than the sum of his or her userboxes.
Image:Green Pi.PNG Pi ≈ 3.1415926535897932384626
This user's deviation is standard
gtr-2 This user is an intermediate guitarist.
teen This user is a teenager, not a stereotype.
This user is male.
This user comes from Canada.
This user is of Québécois ancestry.
._. This user sometimes watches anime.
This user enjoys reading anything.
This user reads between the lines.
"In a hole in the ground there lived a hobbit."

- JRR Tolkien

This user enjoys the works of
J. R. R. Tolkien.
LOTR This user loves The Lord of the Rings, both the book and the film.
42 This user knows that 42 is the answer to life, the Universe, and everything.
Fre This user is a Fremen.
HP This user is a Harry Potter fan.
MSN This user uses MSN Messenger and his/her e-mail address is
This user is a proud contributor to Uncyclopedia.
This user loves using Google Earth.
G This user uses Google as a primary search engine.
This user uses Wikipedia as his or her primary point of reference.
This user uses Gmail as a primary email service.
This user's internet service provider is Bell Sympatico.
Firefox This user contributes using Mozilla Firefox.
sfri This user contributes using Safari.
This user contributes using Microsoft Windows XP.
This user runs Mac OS X.
This user contributes using a Macintosh computer.
This user contributes using a PC.
This user is an omnivore.
This user loves spaghetti.
This user eats beets.
This user eats potatoes.
This user eats apples.
This user prefers rare steak.
H20 This user drinks water.
This user drinks hot chocolate.
cvg-1 This user is a n00b gamer.
This user likes to play games on his or her Mac, but is getting awfully sick of Breakout.
This user plays games on a graphing calculator.
D'NI This user plays the Myst series.
LOST 4…8…15…16…23…42…
This user is LOST…
news The only reality show this user watches is the news.
Blade Runner This user thinks Blade Runner is one of the best science fiction films ever made.
ND This user is pretty good with a bo staff.
A&C Who's on First, What's on Second, I Don't Know's on Third.
Newspaper This user reads The Ottawa Citizen.
Global> This user watches Global.
This user's television receives NTSC/NTSC-variant transmissions, or lives in a region where they are broadcast.
This user likes all types of music.
This user knows that there is no dark side of the moon really— matter of fact it's all dark.
This user sings only in the shower.
Image:Bicycle-icon.png This user is a bicyclist.
This user has completed a 5K.
This user is interested in maps.
This user is interested in philately, but prefers to call it stamp collecting.
ANT This user is interested in anthropology.
This user is a member of the worldwide family of Scouts.
This user is interested in his or her family history.

This user is interested in the history of the Cold War.
This user enjoys woodworking.
This user loves calculators.
This user has Wikipedia as a hobby.
This user enjoys backpacking.
This user prefers warm weather.
This user enjoys watching the weather.
Secondhand smoke is one of this user's pet peeves.
This user is mixed-handed.
This user is not a pet owner.
This user supports the inclusion of sex education in school systems.
This user prefers to be referred to by whatever gender pronoun makes you feel comfortable.
This user is a Libran.
This user was born in the year of the Horse.
This user's homeworld is mostly harmless.
This user has never left the Northern Hemisphere.
This user comes from Ontario.
This user comes from Ottawa.
This user has too much time on his hands.
This user's time zone is GMT-5.
This user was born on October 20th 1990.
This user sees nothing wrong with the human form and doesn't view it as something that needs to be hidden.
This user does not appreciate tobacco smoke.
This user is drug-free.
This user enjoys philosophy.
? This user follows his/her own political ideals.
This user supports Amnesty International.
X This user does not believe in the existence of human races, except as a social construct. X
This user likes all of the colors.
CA This user uses Canadian English spelling.

Template:User autonomous Tibet

This user is Roman Catholic.
This user is interested in religion as an anthropological and historical phenomenon.
This user knows about ignosticism, the belief that the existence of God is not a useful topic of discussion.

This user realizes that the Earth isn't an oblate spheroid, but rather a close approximation of one.
This user believes that the Flying Spaghetti Monster is as likely as creationism.
This user feels like a benzene ring. /_\
... This user is proud to say that they have kept their amateur procrastinator status intact.
non This user is full of non sequiturs.
Fix my saxophone!

This user is made out of Carbon.

:( This user provides information using user boxes because he or she is bored.