Muğla Province

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Location of Mugla
Region: Aegean Region
Province: Mugla
Area: 12,851 (km²)
Total Population 715,328 (2000)
Urban Population 268,341 (2000)
Rural Population 446,987 (2000)
Population density: (pop/km²)
Licence plate code: 48
Area code: 0252
Governor: Hüseyin Aksoy
Governor Website:
This article is about Mugla province. For the capital city see Mugla.

Muğla is a province in southwestern Turkey, along the Aegean Sea. Its seat is Muğla, is about 20 km. inland, but some of Turkey's largest holiday resorts such as Bodrum, Marmaris and Fethiye can be found on the coastline of the province, which is the longest among Provinces of Turkey, even without taking the numerous many small islands into account. The province also boasts of a UNESCO World Heritage Site in Letoon near Fethiye.

The economy of Muğla relies mainly on tourism for the coastline and agriculture, forestry and marble quarries for the inland. The province is the second center of marble industry in Turkey after Afyonkarahisar in terms of quantity, variety and quality. One of the rare industrial installations of the province is the SEKA paper mill in Dalaman. There are two airports in Dalaman and Milas-Bodrum, serving international flights and catering to the tourism industry.


[edit] Districts

Districts of Muğla
Districts of Muğla

Muğla province is divided into 12 districts (capital district in bold):

[edit] Politics

The CHP, Turkey's principal center-left party has a traditionally strong presence across the political landscape of Muğla Province, closely followed by the traditional center-right represented by DYP in Turkey's politics, although the incumbent AKP obtained the first place in the ballots cast during the last national-scale elections that were the 2004 local elections, with 31,25 % of the votes. The overall percentage for the province was 26,3 % for the CHP, and 20,98 % for the DYP during the same elections. The rightist MHP, campaigning on Turkish nationalism had obtained a further 9,5 % (especially in the Fethiye district). The other parties registered less significant percentages.

[edit] Transportation

[edit] External links

Shows the Location of Muğla province Districts of Muğla Province, Turkey Flag of Turkey

Muğla | Bodrum | Dalaman | Datça | Fethiye | Kavaklıdere | Köyceğiz | Marmaris | Milas | Ortaca | Ula | Yatağan

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