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Zanu PF means Zimbabwe African Nationalist Union Patriotic Front or Patronage Front. It's leader is Robert Mugabe. It is a liberation movement that fought a bitter guerilla war of independence of Zimbabwe. It has ruled Zimbabwe based on politics of patronage since 1980. Its patronage rule has managed to secure the ascendancy of kleptocracy over one of Africa’s most promising post colonial democracy.
Kleptocracy is a perverted form of government. It means, "Rule by thieves". This perverted form of government lie on the extreme end of political corruption spectra where there is no pretence of honesty remaining on the part of the ruling elite. The rulers are called Kleptocrats. Kleptocrats are often involved in misuse of public funds, funds diversion, bribery, kickbacks, money laundering and anonymous banking for protection and concealment of their ill-gotten gains.
Under kleptocracy, the government continued existence is sorely to enrich its rulers and to maintain its grip of power. Kleptocracies are by and large dictatorships or some other form of autocratic government form since democracy or other civilized forms of government makes thievery more difficult to accomplish and conceal. Post- colonial Zimbabwe is a good example of a modern day kleptocracy. Zanu PF rule in Zimbabwe is an exemplification of how kleptocracy manifests as dictatorship, disregard of rule of law, political coercion,violence against opposition and election rigging as kleptocrats seeks to perpertuate their rule.