
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

This is a draft version of an article. Please don't add categories to it. Feel free to move it to the main article space whenever it's "ready" for encyclopedic inclusion.



[edit] History section draft

[edit] History

  • General introduction to prepare the reader's mind

[edit] 1994: Doom

  • (Jan 1994: LMP hall of fame.)
  • (May 1994: DOOM Honorific Titles.)
  • (Nov 1994: COMPET-N.)

[edit] 1996: Quake

  • (Apr 1997: Nightmare Speed Demos.)
  • (Aug 1997: Muad'Dib's Quake Page.)
  • (Apr 1998: SDA formed.)
  • (Nov 2003: Metroid2002 videos sent to SDA? Find out.)
  • (Mar 2004: SDA begins hosting other videos.)

[edit] 2003: Metroid???

  • (Nov 2003: Morimoto releases SMB3 TAS.)

[edit] Sometime: NESVideos

  • (At some point: Bisqwit starts TASVideos.)