Template:Move to Wikisourcepar

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This page is a candidate to be moved to Wikisource.
You can help by formatting it per the Wikisource guidelines in preparation for the move to the [[:s:{{{1}}}|{{{1}}}]] page in Wikisource.

Log • Script
Commons Template • Category
Meta Template • Category • Export log • Import log (automatic) • Import log (manual)
Wikibooks Template (Cookbook | Targeted) • Category • Export log • Import log (automatic) • Import log (manual)
Wikiquote Template • Category • Export log • Import log
Wikisource Template (Targeted) • Category • Export log • Import log (automatic) • Import log (manual)
Wikispecies Template • Category
Wiktionary Template • Category • Export log • Import log (automatic) • Import log (manual)