Moutier (district)

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The district de Moutier is one of the 3 French-speaking districts of the Bernese Jura in the canton of Bern with the seat being Moutier. It has a population of about 23'098 in 2004.

District of Moutier
District of Moutier
Municipalities in the district of Moutier
Municipalities in the district of Moutier
Municipality Population (2004) Area (km²)
Belprahon 327 3.79
Bévilard 1723 5.63
Champoz 165 7.11
Châtelat 127 4.09
Corcelles BE 217 6.78
Court BE 1355 24.60
Crémines 534 9.35
Elay (Seehof) 82 8.42
Eschert 368 6.56
Grandval BE 345 8.21
Loveresse 318 4.64
Malleray 1897 10.35
Monible 36 3.39
Moutier 7601 19.53
Perrefitte 508 8.67
Pontenet 199 2.74
Rebévelier 49 3.52
Reconvilier 2342 8.23
Roches BE 242 8.97
Saicourt 591 13.75
Saules BE 167 4.25
Schelten (La Scheulte) 53 5.61
Sornetan 128 5.62
Sorvilier 283 7.02
Souboz 122 10.63
Tavannes 3319 14.65
Flag of Canton Bern Districts of the Canton of Bern
Aarberg | Aarwangen | Bern | Biel | Büren | Burgdorf | Courtelary | Erlach | Fraubrunnen | Frutigen | Interlaken | Konolfingen | Laupen | Moutier | La Neuveville | Nidau | Niedersimmental | Oberhasli | Obersimmental | Saanen | Schwarzenburg | Seftigen | Signau | Thun | Trachselwald | Wangen
Canton of Bern | Districts of Switzerland | Municipalities of the canton of Berne