Mountain pass theorem

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The mountain pass theorem is an existence theorem from the calculus of variations. Given certain conditions on a function, the theorem demonstrates the existence of a saddle point. The theorem is unusual in that there are many other theorems regarding the existence of extremums, but few regarding saddle points.


[edit] Theorem statement

The assumptions of the theorem are:

If we define:

\Gamma=\{\mathbf{g}\in C([0,1];H)\,\vert\,\mathbf{g}(0)=0,\mathbf{g}(1)=v\}


c=\inf_{\mathbf{g}\in\Gamma}\max_{0\leq t\leq 1} I[\mathbf{g}(t)],

then the conclusion of the theorem is that c is a critical value of I.

[edit] Visualization

The intuition behind the theorem is in the name "mountain pass." Consider I as describing elevation. Then we know two low spots in the landscape: the origin because I[0] = 0, and a far-off spot v where I[v]\leq 0. In between the two lies a range of mountains (at \Vert u\Vert =r) where the elevation is high (higher than a>0). In order to travel along a path g from the origin to v, we must pass over the mountains — that is, we must go up and then down. Since I is somewhat smooth, there must be a critical point somewhere in between. (Think along the lines of the mean-value theorem.) The mountain pass lies along the path that passes at the lowest elevation through the mountains. Note that this mountain pass is almost always a saddle point.

For a proof, see section 8.5 of Evans.

[edit] Weaker formulation

Let X be Banach space. The assumptions of the theorem are:


In this case there is a critical point \overline x\in X of Φ satisfying m(r)\le\Phi(\overline x). Moreover if we define

\Gamma=\{c\in C([0,1],X)\mid c\,(0)=0,\,c\,(1)=x'\}


\Phi(\overline x)=\inf_{c\,\in\,\Gamma}\max_{0\le t\le 1}\Phi(c\,(t)).

For a proof, see section 5.5 of Aubin and Ekeland.

[edit] References

  • Evans, Lawrence C. (1998). Partial Differential Equations. Providence, Rhode Island: American Mathematical Society. ISBN 0-8218-0772-2.
  • Aubin, Jean-Pierre, Ivar Ekeland (2006). Applied Nonlinear Analysis. Dover Books. ISBN 0-486-45324-3.