Mount Seelig
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Mount Seelig (Whitmore Mountains, rising to 3,020 m at the northeast end of the group. It was surveyed on January 2, 1959 by William H. Chapman of USGS, a member of the Horlick Mountains Traverse, 1958-59. He named the mountain after Walter R. Seelig, Office of Polar Programs, National Science Foundation, 1960-86, who developed the USGS-NSF plan for topographic mapping of Antarctica; NSF Representative in Christchurch, N.Z., during eleven United States Antarctic Research Program (USARP) austral seasons between 1971 and 1986, including seventeen trips to Antarctica and adjacent seas; member, United States Advisory Committee on Antarctic Names, 1973-86; Chairman, 1976-86.
) is the largest and highest mountain in the- This article is based on a United States Geological Survey gazetteer.