Mount Rerir

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In J. R. R. Tolkien's Middle-earth legendarium, Mount Rerir was a mountain in Thargelion (a region of Beleriand) to the north of Lake Helevorn and one the sources of Gelion.

The land around the mountain belonged to Caranthir, who built a fortress on its western slopes. The fortress was destroyed during Dagor Bragollach. Elven forces probably withdrew from the area after the battle, and most definitely after Nirnaeth Arnoediad.

Mountains from J. R. R. Tolkien's legendarium
Ranges:  Crissaegrim | Echoriath | Ephel Dúath | Ered Engrin | Ered Gorgoroth | Ered Lithui | Ered Luin | Ered Lómin | Ered Mithrin | Ered Nimrais | Ered Wethrin | Hithaeglir | Iron Hills | Orocarni | Mountains of Angmar | Pelóri
Notable peaks:  Amon Anwar | Caradhras | Celebdil | Erebor | Fanuidhol | Meneltarma | Methedras | Mindolluin | Mount Dolmed | Mount Gram | Mount Gundabad | Mount Rerir | Orodruin | Starkhorn | Taniquetil | Thangorodrim
Notable passes:  Aglon | Calacirya | Cirith Gorgor | Cirith Ungol | Cirith Forn en Andrath | Redhorn Pass