Mount Radlinski

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Mount Radlinski (82°31′S 103°34′W) is a rounded, smooth, ice-covered mountain (2,750 m) rising 4 miles southeast of Mount Seelig in the northeast part of the Whitmore Mountains, Antarctica. It was surveyed on January 2, 1959 by William H. Chapman, a member of the Horlick Mountains Traverse (1958-59).

Mount Radlinski was named by Chapman after William A. Radlinski, United States Geological Survey (USGS) photogrammetrist, 1949-79; Associate Director of USGS, 1969-79; president, American Society of Photogrammetry, 1968; president, International Federation of Surveyors, 1973-75.

This article is based on a United States Geological Survey gazetteer.