Mount Pisgah (Bible)

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Some translators of the biblical book of Deuteronomy translate Pisgah as a name of a mountain, usually referring to Mount Nebo.

In the Bible, Moses saw the Promised Land for the first time from Mount Nebo: "And Moses went up from the plains of Moab to Mount Nebo, the top of Pisgah, which is opposite Jericho". Deu 34:1

Pisgah in Hebrew refers to a "high place" like the top of a mountain or to a "cleft". In translation, "pisgah" may lose its meaning and become a name of the mountain.

A literal translation of the Biblical passage from Hebrew into English might run: "... to Mount Nebo, to its high head (top of the mountain)".

ויעל משה מערבת מואב אל הר נבו ראש הפסגה אשר על פני ירחו" דברים פרק לד"