Mount Ida, Turkey

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The Ida Mountains or Kaz Daği are in northwestern Turkey, southeast of the ruins of Troy. In ancient times, the mountain was dedicated to the worship of Cybele – or Idae Mater. In the Trojan war it may to have been the home of the Luqqa who were their allies. In modern Turkish its name is Kaz Dağı (pronounced "Kaz DA-u"). However, a connection with the goddess' syllable seems to be a coincidence, dağ is the element that translates as "mountain"; all other mountains and mountain ranges in Turkey have a name involving the word "dağ". Kaz Daği spreads spring waters that enriches the natural habitat, to the region and also the Agean Sea. Also it affects the region's climate because of its geographical specifications. So this makes Kaz Daği a kind of a goddess for the rural people. Kaz Daği is also famous for its fresh air. It is believed that The mountain air cures some respiration problems. Mount Ida is also the place Paris, the destroyer of Troy grew upon, and there, he met the nymph he onced loved, Oenone, who refused to save him after he ran away with the most beautiful woman in the world, Helen of Sparta, wife to lord Menelaus.

Coordinates: 39°42′N 26°50′E