Mount Hypipamee Crater

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The Mount Hypipamee Crater on the Atherton Tablelands.
The Mount Hypipamee Crater on the Atherton Tablelands.

The Mount Hypipamee Crater, also known as The Crater is a huge diatreme, or volcanic crater located south-east of Herberton on the Atherton Tableland in Far North Queensland, Australia. It is 61 metres in diameter and 82 metres deep.

Atherton Tableland
Attractions: Lake Tinaroo | Lake Eacham | Lake Barrine | Malanda Falls | Millaa Millaa Falls | Mount Hypipamee Crater | Mount Quincan | Seven Sisters | Curtain Fig Tree | Davies Creek
Towns: Atherton | Dimbulah | Herberton | Kairi | Kuranda | Mareeba | Malanda | Millaa Millaa | Mutchilba | Ravenshoe | Tinaroo | Tolga | Walkamin | Yungaburra
Local Government Areas: Atherton Shire | Eacham Shire | Herberton Shire | Mareeba Shire