Mott (Star Wars)

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Motts are fictional creatures in the Star Wars Universe.

Motts were medium sized, semi-aquatic herbivores (about 1 meter at the shoulder) native to the Gungan swamps of Naboo.

The Motts dwelled in underground mudbank borrows. They ate a wide variety of vegetation and were a primary source of food for most swamp predators (even Gungans occasionally killed Motts). Fortunatly, Motts had a high reproduction rate (about fifteen young per birth).

Motts lived in communes of up to fifteen adults. Communes usually consisted of a dominant male and, perhaps, one lieutenant that guarded the females and young.

They were very good swimmers, and young often hitched rides on an adult's back. They also had good hearing and a nose horn for rooting out food.

[edit] Appearances

Threat display to determine dominance was exhibited by both sexes.
Threat display to determine dominance was exhibited by both sexes.
A Mott seen during the movie Star Wars Episode I
A Mott seen during the movie Star Wars Episode I

[edit] External links