
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Montalbán is a town and municipality in Spain with a population of 1,538, an area of 82 km² and a density of 18.75, located in Teruel province, in the autonomous community of Aragón. Its geographic coordinates are: latitude: 40° 50' N, longitude: 0° 48' W, altitude: 907 msl.

The mayor of Montalbán is Mr. Enrique Pellejer Calamar, of the party Izquierda Unida. Izquierda Unida has 5 municipal councillors in the town's ayuntamiento, the Partido Socialista Obrero Español has 2, the Partido Popular has 1 and the Partido Aragonés has 1. In the 2004 Spanish General Election the Partido Socialista Obrero Español got 48.7% of the vote in Montalbán, the Partido Popular got 24.7%, Izquierda Unida got 11.5%, the Chunta Aragonesista, 8,0% and the Partido Aragonés, 5,3%.

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Coordinates: 40°50′N 0°48′W