Monarchy in Canada

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Canada is a constitutional monarchy and a Commonwealth Realm, with Queen Elizabeth II as its reigning monarch, since February 6, 1952. As such she is Canada's head of state and officially called Queen of Canada.

Most of the Queen's political powers in Canada are exercised by the Governor General, though she does hold several powers that are hers alone. The Governor General is sometimes referred to as Canada's de facto head of state. [1]

In Canada, the Queen's official title in English is: Elizabeth the Second, by the Grace of God of the United Kingdom, Canada and Her other Realms and Territories Queen, Head of the Commonwealth, Defender of the Faith.

In French, the Queen's title is: Elizabeth Deux, par la grâce de Dieu Reine du Royaume-Uni, du Canada et de ses autres royaumes et territoires, Chef du Commonwealth, Défenseur de la Foi.

The heir apparent is Elizabeth II's eldest son, Prince Charles, Prince of Wales. The Queen's Privy Council for Canada is expected to proclaim him King of Canada upon his accession to the Throne after the Queen's death or abdication. There are several other members of the Canadian Royal Family besides those aforementioned, including the Queen's other children and cousins.


[edit] Constitutional monarchy in Canada

Elizabeth II, the current Queen of Canada, wearing the Sovereign's insignia of the Order of Canada and the Order of Military Merit
Elizabeth II, the current Queen of Canada, wearing the Sovereign's insignia of the Order of Canada and the Order of Military Merit

[edit] International vs. domestic role

One of the most complicated features of the Canadian Monarchy is that it is a shared monarchy.

Some 53 states are members of the Commonwealth of Nations. Sixteen of these countries are specifically Commonwealth Realms who recognize, individually, the same person as their Monarch and Head of State. Canada is one of these. Although Elizabeth II is separately Monarch of each of the Commonwealth Realms, each nation — including Canada — is sovereign and independent of the others.

See also: Personal union

[edit] Development of shared monarchy

The Balfour Declaration of 1926 provided the dominions the right to be considered equal to Britain, rather than subordinate; an agreement that had the result of, in theory, a shared Crown that operates independently in each Realm rather than a unitary British Crown under which all the dominions were secondary. The Monarchy thus ceased to be an exclusively British institution, although it has often been called "British" since this time (in both legal and common language) for reasons historical, legal, and of convenience.

The Royal and Parliamentary Titles Act, 1927 was the first indication of this shift in law, further elaborated in the Statute of Westminster, 1931.

Under the Statute of Westminster, Canada has a common monarchy with Britain and the other Commonwealth Realms, and though laws governing the line of succession to the Canadian throne lie within the control of the Canadian Parliament, Canada cannot change the rules of succession without the unanimous consent of the other realms, unless explicitly leaving the shared monarchy relationship by means of a constitutional amendment. This situation applies symmetrically in all the other Realms, including the UK. These concepts were reasserted by Justice Rouleau in a 2003 court ruling in which he wrote that "Union under the British Crown together with other Commonwealth countries [is a] constitutional principle." (Note: here "British Crown" is the traditional reference to the Crown shared amongst the Realms, not the Crown in Right of the UK.)

On all matters of the Canadian State, the Monarch is advised solely by Canadian federal and provincial ministers. Effective with the Constitution Act, 1982, no British or other Realm government can advise the Monarch on any matters pertinent to Canada.[2]

Further information: Queen's Privy Council for Canada

"Queen Elizabeth II" is the current monarch's conventional title for all her Commonwealth Realms, but is generally addressed as "Queen of Canada" when she is actually present in Canada or when she otherwise performs duties relevant to Canada abroad, on the advice of her Canadian ministers. Some examples are conferring Canadian honours while in the United Kingdom or participating in the Canadian World War II Memorial Ceremonies in France.

In addition to the Queen's role in each of her Realms, the Canadian Monarch is also the nominal Head of the Commonwealth. Though this title does not imply any political power over member nations, and does not automatically belong to the monarch, only the shared monarch of the Commonwealth Realms has ever held this title.

[edit] Finance

Contrary to common misconception, Canadians do not pay any monies to the Queen, either for personal income or to support the Royal residences outside of Canada. Only when the Queen is in Canada, or acting abroad as Queen of Canada, does any Canadian government support her in the performance of her duties. This rule applies equally to other members of the Royal Family.

Provincial and federal records of expenditures associated with the Crown are kept, but no official report on the cost of the monarchy to Canadians is compiled. However, every three years the Monarchist League of Canada issues a survey, based on various federal and provincial government budgets, expenditures and estimates, that outlines a yearly cost for the functioning of the Crown. The 2005 survey found that the institution cost Canadians roughly $49 million in 2004[3]. Previous surveys found that the overall cost of the Canadian Crown was $22 million in 1999 [4] and $34 million in 2002.[5][6] (This does not take into account the inflation of the Canadian Dollar over these years).

Usually the Queen's Canadian governments pay only for the costs associated with the Governor General and Lieutenant-Governors in their exercising of the powers of the Crown on behalf of the Queen, including travel, security, residences, offices, ceremonial occasions, etc.

[edit] Constitutional role

Canada's constitution is made up of a variety of statutes and conventions that are either British or Canadian in origin, which gives Canada a similar parliamentary system of government as the UK and other Commonwealth Realms. As a result succession to the throne is by male-preference primogeniture, and governed by the provisions of the Act of Settlement, as well as the English Bill of Rights. These documents are now part of Canadian constitutional law, under control of the Canadian parliament only.

This legislation lays out the rules that the Monarch cannot be a Roman Catholic, nor married to one, and must be in communion with the Church of England upon ascending the throne. This has led to a legal challenge (see O'Donohue v. Her Majesty the Queen). As Canada's laws governing succession are currently identical to those of the United Kingdom (by the Statute of Westminster) see Succession to the British Throne for more information.

Elizabeth II reads the Throne Speech in a joint sesion of the Canadian Parliament, 1977, accompanied by her husband, Prince Philip, Duke of Edinburgh.
Elizabeth II reads the Throne Speech in a joint sesion of the Canadian Parliament, 1977, accompanied by her husband, Prince Philip, Duke of Edinburgh.

All powers of State are constitutionally reposed in the Monarch, who is represented at the federal level by the Governor General of Canada and at the provincial level by Lieutenant-Governors. The Governor General is appointed by the Monarch upon the advice of the Prime Minister of Canada. The ten Lieutenant-Governors are appointed by the Governor General, in the name of the Monarch, upon the advice of the Prime Minister of Canada, in consultation with the relevant provincial premier, though the Monarch is informed of the Prime Minister's decision before the Governor General gives Assent.

[edit] Provinces

Across the country the Canadian Crown is unitary; Eugene Forsey wrote in Crown and Cabinet: "The first thing to get clear is that the provinces are not themselves 'monarchies.' They are part of a constitutional monarchy, Canada. The Queen is Queen of Canada, not Queen of Ontario, Queen of Quebec, Queen of British Columbia, etc. She is, of course, Queen in all these provinces. But she is 'Queen of Canada,' and it is as such that she is Queen in each of the provinces."

Under this system the headship of state is not a part of either the federal or provincial jurisdictions; through the Governors General and Lieutenant, the Queen reigns impartially over the country as a whole; meaning the sovereignty of the provinces is passed on not by the Governor General or the Canadian Parliament, but through the Crown itself. This means that the Crown is "divided" into eleven legal jurisdictions; into eleven "crowns" - one federal and ten provincial, as demonstrated in the fact that the same Queen takes on two different legal personas when a provincial government files a lawsuit against the federal government (See: Legal role). Jacques Monet stated in his book The Canadian Crown: "The adaptation of the Crown to a federal system was a unique and daring experiment. But it works. The sovereignty of the same Crown is exercised by different representatives in different jurisdictions. Thus, diversity has been reconciled to unity." Or, as David Smith notes in his book The Invisible Crown that the provinces became a "constitutional amalgam ... called compound monarchy." This means the status of the provincial Vice-regals is crucial to provincial co-sovereignty and federalism.[7] However, unlike Australia, the Lieutenant-Governors are appointed by the Governor General, who holds reserve powers over them.

The Commissioners of Canada's territories of Nunavut, Yukon, and Northwest Territories are appointed by Governor-in-Council, at the recommendation of the federal Minister of Indian Affairs and Northern Development. But as the territories are not sovereign entities, the commissioners are not representatives of the Sovereign. They receive instruction from the said Minister of Indian Affairs and Northern Development.

Further information: Monarchy in British Columbia, Monarchy in Alberta, Monarchy in Saskatchewan, Monarchy in Manitoba, Monarchy in Ontario, Monarchy in Quebec, Monarchy in New Brunswick, Monarchy in Nova Scotia, Monarchy in Prince Edward Island, Monarchy in Newfoundland and Labrador

[edit] Duties

Most of the Queen's domestic duties are performed by the Governors General and Lieutenant.

As in the UK, the Monarch's role, and thereby the vice-regal's role, is almost entirely symbolic and cultural, acting as a symbol of the legal authority under which all governments operate, and the powers that are constitutionally hers are exercised wholly upon the advice of the elected government. It has been correctly said that since the death, in 1714, of Queen Anne, the last monarch to head the British cabinet (when almost all of Canada was still French colonial territory), that the monarch "reigns" but does not "rule". In Canada, this has been true since the Treaty of Paris (1763) ended the reign of Canada's last absolute monarch, King Louis XV of France.

In exceptional circumstances, however, the Monarch or vice-regal has acted against such advice based upon his or her reserve powers — as when Governor General Julian Byng refused a request by Prime Minister William Mackenzie King for a dissolution of Parliament and call for new elections. Also, Lieutenant-Governor of Alberta, John C. Bowen, in 1937 refused to grant Royal Assent to three bills passed by William Aberhart's Social Credit government on the grounds that they were unconstitutional.[8]

Further information: King-Byng Affair

There are also a few duties which must be specifically performed by, or bills that require assent by the Queen. These include: signing the appointment papers of Governors General and Lieutenant, the confirmation of awards of Canadian honours by the Governor General, and approving any change in the title of the Queen as Queen of Canada.[9] On occasion the Monarch must personally act directly in partisan affairs. For example, this occurred when Prime Minister Brian Mulroney advised Queen Elizabeth II to expand the number of Senate seats to assure passage of the GST. The Queen followed his advice, and as such, Mulroney became accountable for that advice.

It is also possible that if the Governor General decided to go against the Prime Minister's or the government's advice, the Prime Minister could appeal directly to the Monarch, or even recommend that the Monarch dismiss the Governor General.

[edit] Royal Assent

Royal Assent and proclamation are required for all acts of Parliament and of the provincial legislatures, usually granted or withheld by the Governor General or Lieutenant-Governor, with the Great Seal of Canada, or the appropriate provincial seal. The Vice-Regals may reserve a bill for the Monarch's pleasure, that is to say, allow the Monarch to make a personal decision on the bill. A Lieutenant-Governor of a province may similarly defer to the Governor General (who may in turn defer to the Monarch). The Monarch has the power to disallow a bill (within a time limit specified by the constitution). Recently activists opposed to Bill C-38 lobbied Queen Elizabeth II to disallow the legislation after it was passed by parliament. However it received Royal Assent from the Governor General on July 19, 2005. Territorial legislatures, unlike their provincial counterparts, are subject to the oversight of the Government of Canada.

Further information: Royal Prerogative

[edit] Cultural role

The Victoria Cross is the highest decoration in the Canadian honours system. Its motto "For Valour" was adopted on the recommendation of Queen Victoria
The Victoria Cross is the highest decoration in the Canadian honours system. Its motto "For Valour" was adopted on the recommendation of Queen Victoria

[edit] Representation of the State

At one time the Monarchy was considered a purely British institution, when most Canadians still continued to be both legally, and by personal view, British subjects. However, paralleling the changes in constitutional law, and the evolution of Canadian nationalism, the cultural role of the Monarchy in Canada altered.

Today the Sovereign is regarded as the personification of the State, and is the "personal symbol of allegiance, unity and authority for all Canadians." [10]

The federal and provincial governments now recognize and promote the Queen's role as Monarch of Canada as separate to her position as Queen of the United Kingdom. [11] [12] [13]

Elizabeth II stated in 1973:

"But it is as Queen of Canada that I am here, Queen of Canada and of all Canadians, not just of one or two ancestral strains. I want the Crown to be seen as a symbol of national sovereignty belonging to all. It is not only a link between Commonwealth nations, but between Canadian citizens of every national origin and ancestry."

From time to time members of the Royal Family will also represent Canada abroad. This has occurred when, in 1939, King George VI and Queen Elizabeth visited the United States as King and Queen of Canada, accompanied by Prime Minister Mackenzie King, as opposed to a British minister. As well, in 1959 the Queen undertook a state visit to the United States as Queen of Canada, hosting the return dinner for then-US President Dwight D. Eisenhower at the Canadian embassy in Washington.

The Queen, Prince Charles, and the Princess Royal have also participated in Canadian ceremonies for the anniversary of D-Day in France, most recently in 2004,[14] as well as Canadian events in the UK, such as when The Queen dedicated the Canadian War Memorial in Green Park, London, in 1996; opened Canada House; or when a reception is held for Canadians at Buckingham Palace.

In Canada major public inquiries are called Royal Commissions, and are created by the Cabinet on behalf of the Monarch through a Royal Warrant.

[edit] Title

One of the first post-war examples of Canada's status as an independent monarchy was the alteration of the Monarch's title, by the Royal Style and Titles Act. For the first time the official Canadian title mentioned Canada separately from the United Kingdom and the other Realms, to highlight the Monarch's role specifically as Queen of Canada, as well as the shared aspect of the Crown throughout the Realms: Elizabeth the Second, by the Grace of God of the United Kingdom, Canada and Her other Realms and Territories Queen, Head of the Commonwealth, Defender of the Faith.

When the Canadian House of Commons debated the Queen's title in 1953, Prime Minister Louis St. Laurent asserted on the nature of the separate and shared characteristics of the Crown:

"Her Majesty is now Queen of Canada but she is the Queen of Canada because she is Queen of the United Kingdom … It is not a separate office" [15]

This format was consistent with the form of the Queen's titles in the other Realms, as had been agreed upon by all the Realm governments in 1953. As of 2005, only Canada and Grenada retain this form, all others, other than the UK, having dropped the reference to the United Kingdom.

Although the Queen's Canadian titles include "Defender of the Faith / Défenseur de la Foi," neither the Queen, not any of the Governors has any religious role in Canada; there have been no established churches in Canada since before confederation. This is one of the key differences from the Queen's role in the United Kingdom where she is Supreme Governor of the Church of England.

In a speech to the House of Commons in 1953, Prime Minister Louis St. Laurent stated on this topic:

"… The rather more delicate question arose about the retention of the words defender of the faith. In England there is an established church. In our countries [the other monarchies of the Commonwealth] there are no established churches, but in our countries there are people who have faith in the direction of human affairs by an all-wise Providence; and we felt that it was a good thing that the civil authorities would proclaim that their organisation is such that it is a defence of the continued beliefs in a supreme power that orders the affairs of mere men, and that there could be no reasonable objection from anyone who believed in the Supreme Being in having the sovereign, the head of the civil authority, described as a believer in and a defender of the faith in a supreme ruler."
Further information: List of titles and honours of Queen Elizabeth II

[edit] Symbols

Despite the removal or replacement of certain monarchical symbols as national symbols through the 1970s and 1980s, as well as the fact that the Canada's Royal Family is not resident in Canada itself, the Crown remains a visible part of the everyday lives of Canadians. What were formerly purely British symbols became symbols of the Monarch, or loyalty thereto.

The Royal Union Flag remains an official flag in Canada, though a distinctly Canadian flag was adopted in 1964 as the National Flag. God Save the Queen remains the royal anthem and forms part of the Canadian Royal Salute, which is performed by playing the Royal Anthem followed by the National Anthem, O Canada. The Vice-Regal Salutes also includes the first six bars of God Save the Queen, which then modulate into the first four and last four bars of O Canada. The relevant Vice-Regal Salutes are played only for the Governor General and each Lieutenant-Governor as they represent Canada's Monarch.[16]

A Loyal Toast is also performed at official functions whether or not the Sovereign is personally present; it consists of a toast to the health of Her Majesty the Queen, and is usually performed by the host or guest of honour at the ceremony, aside from the Queen herself. In English the toast is: "Ladies and gentlemen, The Queen of Canada," and in French: "Mesdames et Messieurs, à la Reine du Canada." In the mess of regiments where the Queen holds an honorary appointment, the toast is "Ladies and Gentlemen, The Queen of Canada, our Captain-General," and in French, "Mesdames et Messieurs, à la Reine du Canada, notre capitaine générale." Where a band is present, God Save the Queen is to be played following the proposal of the toast.[17]

Images of St. Edward's, the Tudor, and King's Crown are also visible on police forces badges (see Ontario Provincial Police badge), military badges (see Canadian Armed Forces Tri-service badge), some provincial, even personal coats of arms (see Coat of Arms of Quebec), on Canada's Royal Coat of Arms, on various medals, and awards.

These latter cases reflect the monarch's place as the ceremonial head of the Canadian honours system, termed the "fount of honour." As such, only she can approve the creation of an honour, which she does as requested by government of Canada. Although, the Governor General administers most responsibilities relating to Canadian honours on the Queen's behalf. The most recent example of this is the Peace Officer Exemplary Service Medal which was approved by the Queen in December 2004,[18] and first presented by Governor General Michaëlle Jean in May 2006.[19]

The reigning monarch's image is traditionally printed on Canadian coins, some currency and postage stamps such as the Queen Elizabeth II definitive stamp. Portraits of the Monarch are often found in government buildings, military installations, many schools, as well as Canada's high commissions and embassies abroad.

In Canada, Victoria Day has become the holiday for celebrating Canada's monarchy. Traditionally the monarch's birthday — in the case of Queen Elizabeth II, April 21 — is the day for honouring the reigning monarch. Since 1953, however, the official birthday of Canada's monarch has been Victoria Day. Originally the holiday was set by vice-regal proclamation on the first Monday before May 24 of every year, but in 1957 the date of the national holiday was permanently fixed by statute.

Each year, since 1932, the Sovereign has delivered the Royal Christmas Message to the Commonwealth of Nations; originally broadcast on the BBC Empire Service, in Canada it is today delivered on CBC television and radio.

Further information: National symbols of Canada and Canadian royal symbols

[edit] Royal presence

Toronto City Hall, 1939 Royal visit
Toronto City Hall, 1939 Royal visit

For over 200 years members of the Royal Family have visited or lived in Canada. Though all of the Royal Family currently lives outside of Canada, members are still regular visitors, enough so that on occasion Royal visits to Canada are also referred to by monarchists as "Royal Homecomings." These events are often marked with a variety of ceremonies, the granting of honours and general celebrations, even though these events are not always official holidays.

The Queen regularly undertakes tours of Canada to celebrate Canadian culture, milestone anniversaries, military remembrances, and the like. Other Royals will perform the same tasks in the Queen's place, from time to time, usually on a less grand scale or for events of a lesser importance. These tours are at the invitation of, organized, and paid for by the Canadian government, provincial government, or a combination of both; hence, they are called "official tours" or "official visits."

[edit] Legal role

The Sovereign is deemed the "fount of justice," and is responsible for rendering justice for all subjects. The Sovereign does not personally rule in judicial cases; instead, judicial functions are performed in his or her name. The common law holds that the Sovereign "can do no wrong"; the monarch cannot be prosecuted in his or her own courts for criminal offences. Civil lawsuits against the Crown in its public capacity (that is, lawsuits against the government) are permitted; however, lawsuits against the Monarch personally are not cognizable. The Sovereign, and by extension the Governor General, also exercises the "prerogative of mercy," and may pardon offences against the Crown. Pardons may be awarded before, during, or after a trial.

In Canada the legal personality of the State is referred to as "Her Majesty the Queen in Right of Canada", and likewise for the provinces and territories (i.e., "in Right of Ontario," etc.). For example, if a lawsuit is filed against the federal government, the respondent is formally described as Her Majesty the Queen in Right of Canada. The monarch as an individual takes no more role in such an affair than in any other business of government. For example, a case in which a province sues the federal government would formally be called Her Majesty the Queen in Right of Prince Edward Island v. Her Majesty the Queen in Right of Canada.

In addition, the Monarch also serves as a symbol of the legitimacy of Courts of Justice, and of their judicial authority. An image of the Queen or the Arms of Her Majesty in Right of Canada is always displayed in Canadian courtrooms, except in the province of British Columbia where the Arms of Her Majesty in Right of the United Kingdom are displayed as a symbol of its judiciary.[20] Itinerant judges will display an image of the Queen and the Canadian flag when holding a session away from established courtrooms. Such situations occur in parts of Canada where the stakeholders in a given court case are too isolated geographically to be able to travel for regular proceedings.

Further information: The Crown

Similarly the oath of allegiance to Canada, sworn by new citizens, the Canadian Forces, police officers, and parliamentarians, is an oath of allegiance to the monarch as sovereign of Canada, and to his/her heirs and successors according to law. The relationship between the Oath taker and the Monarch is a complex one with roots reaching back to historical periods when a monarch ruled and accepted an Oath of fealty. Modern Oaths are still reciprocal but now the Oath taker places their allegiance to the continuing State, its laws, etc., as embodied by the Monarch. As the legal personality of the State, the Monarch has obligations to the Oath taker. The Monarch's acceptance of her responsibilities to her subjects is symbolized by the Coronation Oath, where he or she promises "to govern the Peoples of... Canada... according to their respective laws and customs."[21]

[edit] History

Francis I of France; established colonies in Acadia and Canada, 1534
Francis I of France; established colonies in Acadia and Canada, 1534

The first French and British colonizers of Canada interpreted the hereditary nature of some indigenous North American chieftainships as a form of monarchy, often referring to these leaders as kings and their lands as kingdoms.[22] There is also evidence that the aboriginals had an understanding of monarchy, most notably in the legend of the Kingdom of Saguenay, and tales of "wealthy kingdoms in the north" told by Iroquoians to Jacques Cartier in 1534.[23][24]

Canada has been the territory of a monarchy or a monarchy in its own right, since the establishment of New France. Territory of the French Crown was merged with the North American colonies under the British Crown with the Treaty of Paris in 1763. In 1867, Canada became a self-governing Dominion under the British Crown (originally intended to be named the Kingdom of Canada), and, from that date to the patriation of the Canadian constitution in 1982, Canada developed into a kingdom in its own right. Thus, kings and queens reigning over Canada have included the monarchs of France (from Francis I in 1534 to Louis XV in 1763), those of the UK (from Anne of Great Britain in 1713 to King George VI in 1952), to Queen Elizabeth II as Queen of Canada today.

Canada's growth into a sovereign constitutional monarchy, with a Crown separate to that of the United Kingdom, was demonstrated in the abdication of King Edward VIII in 1936; when Canada had to pass its own Succession to the Throne Act, that effected changes to the rules of succession in Canada so that they matched those within the other Realms of the British Empire.[25] A few years later Canada's new status was again demonstrated when King George VI and Queen Elizabeth traveled from Canada into the United States as King and Queen of Canada, being accompanied by Prime Minister Mackenzie King as the sole Minister in Attendance, and not a British minister.[26]

Various members of the Royal Family have often served as the vice-regal representative of the British, and later Canadian monarch. These included Lord Lorne, who was appointed as Governor General of Canada in 1878, HRH Prince Arthur, Duke of Connaught, appointed in 1911, and Alexander Cambridge, 1st Earl of Athlone, who arrived in Canada as the vice-regal in 1940.

The present Queen has been present in Canada more than any other monarch before her, having toured the country more than 22 times, being present for events such as the opening of the St. Lawrence Seaway, the commemoration of the Charlotte and Quebec conferences, Canada's centennial, the Montreal Expo, her Proclamation of the Constitution Act 1982, her Silver and Golden Jubilees, and to mark the anniversaries of the entry of many provinces and territories into confederation.

Further information: Royal visits to Canada

Through the 1960s and 1970s, the rise of Quebec nationalism and changes in Canadian identity created an atmosphere where the purpose and role of the Canadian Monarchy came into question. Some references to the Monarch and the Monarchy were slowly removed from the public eye, and moves were made by the government to constitutionally alter the monarchy's place and role in Canada. The premiers of the provinces reacted strongly against these proposals.[27]

The Constitution Act of 1982 entrenched the monarchy in Canada. Any change to the position of the monarch or the monarch's representatives in Canada now requires the consent of the Senate, the House of Commons, and the legislative assemblies of all the provinces.

In 1999, it was revealed that the federal government was again toying with the idea of changing Canada to a republic. When this information was leaked to the media and public, there was strong negative reaction, and even denial by the Prime Minister. A survey of the provincial premiers at the time showed only one in favour of such a move.[28]

[edit] The Crown and the First Nations

Her Majesty the Queen of Canada presents a tablet of Balmoral granite with the ciphers of both herself and her great-great-grandmother Queen Victoria, at the First Nations University of Canada, May 17, 2005
Her Majesty the Queen of Canada presents a tablet of Balmoral granite with the ciphers of both herself and her great-great-grandmother Queen Victoria, at the First Nations University of Canada, May 17, 2005

As with the Māori and the Treaty of Waitangi in New Zealand, Canada's First Nations view their treaties as being agreements directly between them and the Crown, not with the ever-changing government of Canada. The Royal Proclamation of 1763 made clear that the First Nations were autonomous political units and affirmed their title to lands. It remains an important document, mentioned in the Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms, outlining the Canadian Crown's responsibility to protect First Nations' territories and maintain the bilateral "nation-to-nation" relationship.[29][30]

An early example of the Crown's protection of First Nations people was during the American Revolution. As a consequence of the Mohawk Nation's alliance with the British, through being a part of the Six Nations Iroquois Confederacy, the Mohawk peoples were forced from their lands in the Mohawk Valley, in present day New York State, by the revolutionaries. As compensation, the British Crown promised land in Canada to those displaced by the war. In 1784 some Mohawks settled in what is now the Bay of Quinte and the Grand River valley where North America's only two Royal chapels, Christ Church Royal Chapel of the Mohawks and Her Majesty's Chapel of the Mohawks in Brantford, were built to symbolize the connection between the Mohawk peoples and the Crown.

To commemorate a diplomatic visit to Queen Anne by the "Four Mohawk Kings", or the three Mohawk and one Mahicanin Chiefs of the Iroquoian Confederacy, in 1710, the portraits of the "Four Indian Kings" were painted by Jan Verelst. After they hung in Kensington Palace for almost 270 years, Queen Elizabeth II donated them to the Canadian Collection at the National Archives of Canada, unveiling them in Ottawa in 1977.

Also, in 1984, as a bicentennial gift, Queen Elizabeth II gave the Christ Church Royal Chapel of the Mohawks a new silver chalice to replace one lost during the American Revolution. The lost chalice was from a set given to the Mohawks by Queen Anne in 1712 to embody the relationship between the Crown and Mohawk people. [31]

Treaty No. 7 was signed by the Blackfoot, Blood, Peigan, Sarcee and Stony Indian tribes in 1877, ceding the praries of Southern Alberta to what was then the British Crown. In 1977, Prince Charles visited Alberta to attend celebrations marking the 100th anniversary of the treaty signing.

A modern demonstration of the relationship between the First Nations and the Crown was seen in 1994 when the Dene community of the Northwest Territories presented a list of grievances over stalled land claim negotiations to Queen Elizabeth II, rather than to Prime Minister Jean Chrétien, while the two were attending an Aboriginal Cultural Festival in Yellowknife, Northwest Territories. After speaking with the Chief, the Queen handed the list to the Prime Minister for the Cabinet to address.

In 1976, during a visit to the Eastern Arctic in northern Canada, the Inuit gave Prince Charles a distinctive title, calling him Attaniout Ikeneego, meaning "The Son of the Big Boss." [32] In 1996 Cree and Ojibway students in Winnipeg named Prince Charles "Leading Star." [33]

In May 2005, the Queen, during a visit to the First Nations University of Canada in Saskatchewan, presented a piece of Balmoral granite engraved with the ciphers of Queen Victoria and herself. The gesture behind the gift was outlined in the Queen's words:

"This stone was taken from the grounds of Balmoral Castle in the Highlands of Scotland — a place dear to my great-great-grandmother, Queen Victoria. It symbolises the foundation of the rights of First Nations peoples reflected in treaties signed with the Crown during her reign.
"Bearing the cipher of Queen Victoria as well as my own, this stone is presented to the First Nations University of Canada in the hope that it will serve as a reminder of the special relationship between the Sovereign and all First Nations peoples." [34]

Nevertheless, First Nations groups complained that their role during the Queen's visit was a purely symbolic one, and were disappointed that neither the provincial nor federal governments granted them a private audience with the Queen to express concerns about treaty violations. [citation needed]

[edit] The Crown and the Canadian Forces

HRH Sophie, The Countess of Wessex, speaks with soldiers of The Lincoln and Welland Regiment as their Colonel-in-Chief, June, 2005
HRH Sophie, The Countess of Wessex, speaks with soldiers of The Lincoln and Welland Regiment as their Colonel-in-Chief, June, 2005

The Crown retains a prominent place within the Canadian Forces. The Constitution Act, 1867 states that the Command-in-Chief of the Canadian Armed Forces is vested in the Queen. However, the 1905 Militia Act changed references to the Office of the Governor-General to become the Office of the Governor-General and Commander-in-Chief of the Militia; the title and its duties being held and performed by the Governor General on behalf of the Sovereign. The Letters Patent of 1947 further reinforce this position. [35]

The Sovereign's position and role in the military is reflected by Canadian naval vessels bearing the prefix Her Majesty's Canadian Ship (HMCS) (subsequently His Majesty's Canadian Ship during the reign of a king), and all members of the armed forces must swear allegiance to the Queen and her heirs and successors.

In 1968, Defence Minister Paul Hellyer, under the Government of Pierre Trudeau, unified the Canadian Army, Royal Canadian Navy and Royal Canadian Air Force into the Canadian Armed Forces, over the protests of many senior generals, admirals and air marshals. The "Royal" title was not bestowed upon the new unified service, though many of the former Army units retain the title and vessels are still titled "HMCS". Also, crowns are included in the vast majority of Canadian military insignia. Since usage of the "Royal" designation was executed by Royal Proclamations which have never been revoked, the Canadian Government and the Canadian Forces will be required to resume usage of the expression "Royal" if the expressions "Canadian Navy", "Canadian Army", and "Canadian Air Force" are again used in any official capacity.

Members of the Canadian Royal Family have presided over many military ceremonies, including Trooping the Colours, inspections of the troops, and anniversaries of key battles. Whenever Her Majesty is in Ottawa she lays a wreath at the National War Memorial. As well, two other examples of Elizabeth II acting as Queen of Canada abroad were associated with the Canadian military; one in 1996 when she dedicated the Canadian War Memorial in Green Park, London, and the other in 2004 when she attended the Canadian 60th anniversary of D-Day ceremonies in Normandy, France. One of the few official duties King Edward VIII carried out during his short reign as King of Canada was to dedicate the Vimy Memorial in France, on July 26, 1936.[36]

Members of the Royal Family are Colonel-in-Chief of many Canadian regiments, including: le Régiment de la Chaudière; the 48th Highlanders of Canada; le Royal 22e Régiment; the Governor General's Foot Guards; the Cameron Highlanders of Ottawa; the Royal Newfoundland Regiment; and the Calgary Highlanders, amongst many others. For a more comprehensive list see: List of Canadian Organizations with royal patronage — Military

The Queen is also the Honorary Commissioner of the Royal Canadian Mounted Police. [37]

[edit] Canadian Royal Family

The Canadian Royal Family gathers in Lac-Brome, Quebec, 1976 (left to right: the Duke of Edinburgh, Princess Anne (now Princess Royal), Mark Phillips, Prince Edward (now Earl of Wessex), the Queen, Prince Andrew (now Duke of York) and the Prince of Wales)
The Canadian Royal Family gathers in Lac-Brome, Quebec, 1976 (left to right: the Duke of Edinburgh, Princess Anne (now Princess Royal), Mark Phillips, Prince Edward (now Earl of Wessex), the Queen, Prince Andrew (now Duke of York) and the Prince of Wales)

The Canadian Royal Family is a group of people closely related to the Canadian Monarch; it is a non-resident royal family, those who comprise the group live in the United Kingdom. The Canadian federal government maintains an official list of Royal Family members.[38] Those on the list carry the style His or Her Majesty (HM), His or Her Royal Highness (HRH), or sometimes The Right Honourable.

Members of the Royal Family in the direct line of succession owe allegiance to the Sovereign in right of Canada. As such, according to the Department of National Defence, they are subjects of the Canadian Sovereign, although not strictly Canadian citizens, and thus, though they do not have an automatic right of abode in Canada, they are entitled to Canadian consular assistance and to the protection of the Queen's Armed Forces of Canada when they are outside of the Commonwealth Realms, and in need of protection or assistance.[39][40]

The current Canadian Royal Family are members of the House of Windsor. Though the Canadian Crown is recognized as legally separate from the UK Crown, the two countries (along with the fourteen other Commonwealth Realms) are in a personal union relationship, meaning they share the same Monarchy. Thus, all the members of the Canadian Royal Family also comprise the British Royal Family.

Canada could potentially break from the symmetrical relationship with the other Realms, giving it a different Royal Family to that of the other countries. However, this would contravene the important convention laid out in the preamble to the Statute of Westminster (a part of the Canadian Constitution).

In a speech given at the opening of the Nunavut legislature in October 2002, the Queen stated: "I am proud to be the first member of the Canadian Royal Family to be greeted in Canada's newest territory."[41]

Camilla, The Duchess of Cornwall, wife of the Prince of Wales, is of Canadian descent, being the great-great-granddaughter of Sophia Mary MacNab and William Coutts Keppel of Hamilton, Ontario. Sophia was the descendant of immigrants to Quebec in the 17th century and the daughter of Sir Allan MacNab, Premier of the Province of Canada. The couple's son (and Camilla's great-grandfather), George Keppel, married Alice Edmonstone, who would later become the mistress of King Edward VII (great-great-grandfather of Prince Charles). This same lineage makes Camilla a distant relation of Canadian singer Celine Dion, and Madonna.[42]

The official website of the Department of Canadian Heritage "Canadian Monarchy" section provides a list of Royal Family members.

The list has not been updated to take account of the deaths of Princess Alice, Duchess of Gloucester (2004) and Angus Ogilvy (2004); or the marriage of the Prince of Wales to Camilla Parker-Bowles (2005) nor does it include the grandchildren of the Queen.

After the divorce of the Prince of Wales from Diana, Princess of Wales, in 1996, the Princess's name was removed from the official list of Royal Family honourees.[43]

As the Canadian Royal Family is comprised of the same members of the British Royal Family, see British Royal Family for further information.

[edit] Awards to the Royal Family

The reigning monarch of Canada is the Sovereign of the Order of Canada, Sovereign of the Order of Military Merit, Sovereign of the Order of Merit of the Police Forces, Sovereign of the Royal Victorian Order, and Sovereign of the Order of St. John.

Aside from awards which are personal gifts of the Sovereign, other members of the Royal Family are commonly awarded Canadian honours on a strictly honorary and not substantive basis, reflecting the fact that members of the Royal Family are not strictly Canadian citizens: hence, Her Majesty the Queen Mother, for example, who in 1939 reportedly stated "I'm Canadian," was only an honorary recipient of the Order of Canada. The Canadian Forces Decoration awarded to her, however, was not honorary. Her Canadian honours were excluded from mention at her funeral in the UK, but were recognized at the commemoration service held in Ottawa.[44][45]

Both Prince Charles and the Earl of Wessex have been awarded the Saskatchewan Order of Merit.[46]

[edit] Organizations with royal association

[edit] Organizations under Royal Charter

The Hudson's Bay Company, building in Montreal
The Hudson's Bay Company, building in Montreal

In the Commonwealth Realms a Royal Charter is a charter granted by the Monarch on the advice of the Privy Council (or Executive Council), which creates or gives special status to an incorporated body. This is an exercise of the Royal Prerogative, and, in Canada, there are hundreds of organizations under Royal Charters. Such organisations include charities, businesses, colleges, universities, and cities.

Today, it is mostly charities and professional institutions who receive Royal Charters.

Application for a charter is a petition to the Queen in Council. To receive a Royal Charter, the organization must have corporate members who have at least first degree level in a relevant field, consist of 5,000 members or more, be financially sound, and it must be in the public interest to regulate the institution under a charter. However, meeting these benchmarks does not guarantee the issue of a Royal Charter.

[edit] Companies

Canada's oldest company, the Hudson's Bay Company, was founded under a Royal Charter issued by King Charles II in 1670. By that charter, to this day the Company is required to give two elk skins and two black beaver pelts to the Sovereign or his or her heirs and successors when they visit the area originally called Rupert's Land.[47]

[edit] Cities

Cities under Royal Charter are not subject to municipal Acts of parliament applied generally to other municipalities, and instead are governed by legislation applicable to each city individually. The Royal Charter codifies the laws applied to the particular city, and lays out the powers and responsibilities not given to other municipalities in the province concerned.

Canada has four Royal Charter cities: Saint John, (the oldest, having received its charter in 1786 from King George III), Vancouver, Winnipeg, and Montreal. [48]

[edit] Universities and colleges

The Queen's consort Prince Philip, Duke of Edinburgh speaks with UCC First Football team members at the Upper Canada College's 150th anniversary celebrations, 1979
The Queen's consort Prince Philip, Duke of Edinburgh speaks with UCC First Football team members at the Upper Canada College's 150th anniversary celebrations, 1979

A number of Canadian universities and colleges were founded under Royal Charter.

From King George III:

From King George IV:

From Queen Victoria:

[edit] Canadian Organizations with Royal Patronage

Until modern industrial times, all development of the Sciences and the Arts were under the direct control of the Monarch.

This initial control was exercised by the foundation of the colleges that today form the basis of modern Universities. The endowments to provide for these colleges were once provided by the Crown to further education in both ecclesiastical and secular matters.

As time progressed, the educated members of these organisations formed into groups to lecture, demonstrate and debate their various subjects. These groups either sought Royal Patronage or were created as memorials for the predecessors of the reigning monarch. Other colleges and foundations have been endowed by the owners of the great landed estates and, in later times, by industrialists and finally modern corporate bodies. However, even in present times, relatively new organisations still seek Royal Patronage.

To receive Royal Patronage, an organisation must prove to be long lasting, and to be of the highest standard in their field. These organisations (for example, the Royal Institution for the Advancement of Learning, the Royal Canadian Humane Association, the Royal Astronomical Society of Canada, and the Royal Niagara Military Institute) receive, and have received patronage from various monarchs and their families.

Further information: List of Canadian organizations with royal patronage

[edit] Awards and charities

A number of awards in Canada are issued in the name of previous or present members of the Royal Family. These include:

Charities and volunteer organizations have also been founded as gifts to, or in honour of some of Canada's monarchs, or members of the Royal Family. These include:

  • The Victorian Order of Nurses was a gift to Queen Victoria for her Diamond Jubilee in 1897
  • The Canadian Cancer Fund was set up in honour of King George V's Silver Jubilee in 1935
  • The Queen Elizabeth II Fund to Aid in Research on the Diseases of Children
  • The Queen Elizabeth II Trust Fund to assist young Canadians in better understanding each other's language and culture was established during Queen Elizabeth's Silber Jubilee in 1977

[edit] Debate

To date, there has been little national debate about ending the Monarchy in Canada, in contrast to some other Commonwealth Realms where the issue has gained a relatively higher profile. Many Canadians continue to be unaware that the Queen serves as their Head of State; a 2002 EKOS poll found that only 5% of Canadians could correctly identify Elizabeth II as Canada's Head of State (the majority believing it to be the Prime Minister).[49]

Where debate does exist, it tends to be a largely academic one, and several books have been authored that explore the subject from a political science perspective. Neither of Canada's two main political parties, the Liberal Party of Canada or the Conservative Party of Canada, are officially in favour of abolishing the Monarchy; though the latter makes support for constitutional monarchy a founding principal in its Policy Declaration.[50] The New Democratic Party has officially stated it is willing to "explore" the issue, but in practice the party is not actively pro-republic and largely supports the status quo. Unlike other Commonwealth Realms, Canada has never had a head of government who has been openly republican. Some politicians, however, have occasionally publicly voiced their opinion on the matter, following former-Deputy Prime Minister John Manley's 2002 statement that he was in favour of abolishing the monarchy.

Canada has two special-interest groups representing both sides of the debate, who frequently argue the issue in the media: Monarchist League of Canada and the Citizens for a Canadian Republic.

[edit] See also

[edit] Other Realms

[edit] Canada

[edit] Other

[edit] External links

[edit] Official sites from the Canadian government

[edit] Other external links

[edit] Footnotes

  1. ^ Governor General: Role
  2. ^ In 1997, British Prime Minister Tony Blair intended to offer a Life Peerage to Canadian businessman Conrad Black. Citing the 1919 Nickle Resolution, the Canadian government advised the Queen that they have objected to such honours for many years. If Blair had not backed down, the Queen would have been in the situation of having to grant an honour on the advice of the Prime Minister of the United Kingdom, and to object to the same as Queen of Canada on the advice of then Prime Minister of Canada Jean Chrétien. The problem was resolved when Black renounced his Canadian citizenship. Canada raised no further objections and he was granted his peerage, becoming Lord Black of Crossharbour.
  3. ^ $1.53 per Canadian: The Cost of Canada's Constitutional Monarchy, 2005
  4. ^ The Cost of Canada's Constitutional Monarchy: 74 Cents per Canadian
  5. ^ The Cost of Canada's Constitutional Monarchy: $1.10 per Canadian
  6. ^ The Constantian Society. The Constantian Society's detailed comparison of the costs of monarchies versus republics.
  7. ^ Jackson, Michael; Canadian Monarchist News: Golden Jubilee and Provincial Crown; Spring, 2003
  8. ^ [ The Citizen's Guide to the Alberta Legislature Part I: The Foundation]
  9. ^ Speech by Governor General Roland Michener, Nov. 19, 1970
  10. ^ The Crown in Canada
  11. ^ Canada: a Constitutional Monarchy
  12. ^ Biography: Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II Queen of Canada
  13. ^ The Crown in Canada
  14. ^ Canadian Heritage: Timeline: The Queen
  15. ^ Canadian Royal Heritage Trust, Hansard February 3, 1953, page 1566
  16. ^ Department of National Defence: The Honours, Flags and Heritage Structure of the Canadian Forces; pg. 404
  17. ^ Department of National Defence: The Honours, Flags and Heritage Structure of the Canadian Forces; pg. 449-450
  18. ^ Governor General announces the Peace Officer Exemplary Service Medal
  19. ^ Her Excellency the Right Honourable Michaëlle Jean Speech on the Occasion of the Inaugural Presentation of the Peace Officer Exemplary Service Medal
  20. ^ Courts of British Columbia
  21. ^ The Form and Order of Service that is to be performed and the Ceremonies that are to be observed in the Coronation of Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II in the Abbey Church of St. Peter, Westminster, on Tuesday, the second day of June, 1953
  22. ^ The Four Indian Kings
  23. ^ Canada: History
  24. ^ Ferguson, Will; The Lost Kingdom; Macleans, October 27, 2003
  25. ^ O'Donohue v. Her Majesty The Queen in Right of Canada
  26. ^ The Royal Tour of 1939
  27. ^ Dr. Stephen Phillips; Republicanism in Canada in the reign of Elizabeth II: the dog that didn't bark
  28. ^ Premiers Nix Monarchy Abolition: "NOT A GOVERNMENT PROJECT AT THIS POINT"
  29. ^ A Historical Analysis of Early Nation to Nation Relations in Canada and New Zealand:The Royal Proclamation of 1763, the Treaty of Niagra and The Treaty of Waitangi
  30. ^ Fundamental Treaty Principals
  31. ^ Tyendinaga Mohawk Territory
  32. ^ Are You an "Ace" at Kings and Queens?: A children's quiz on monarchy in Canada
  33. ^ Royal Involvement With Canadian Life
  34. ^ CBC: First Nations say they're left out of royal visit
  35. ^ Governor-General of Canada: Commander in Chief of the Canadian Forces
  36. ^ Department of Canadian Heritage: Getting to know the Prince of Wales
  37. ^ Land Forces: H.M. Elizabeth II Queen of Great Britain and Northern Ireland
  38. ^ Copps, Sheila; Toronto Sun: PM should ignore flag bureaucrats; April 26, 2006
  39. ^ Department of National Defence: The Honours, Flags and Heritage Structure of the Canadian Forces; pg 281
  40. ^ Noonan, Peter C., The Crown and Constitutional Law in Canada, Sripnoon Publications, Calgary, 1998
  41. ^ Text of The Queen's address to the Legislative Assembly in Nunavut, Canada, 4 October 2002
  42. ^ Leurs histoires commencent dans le Perche… (French)
  43. ^ Copps, Sheila; Toronto Sun: PM should ignore flag bureaucrats; April 26, 2006
  44. ^ Queen Mother appointed to Order of Canada
  45. ^ Commemoration Service for Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth The Queen Mother,C.C.
  46. ^ Prince Edward awarded Saskatchewan Order of Merit
  47. ^ Department of Canadian Heritage: Test your royal skills
  48. ^ Canada's Cities: Unleash our Potential
  49. ^ Eskos poll
  50. ^ Conservative Party of Canada Policy Declaration

The Monarchy in Canada

British Columbia | Alberta | Saskatchewan | Manitoba | Ontario | Quebec | New Brunswick | Nova Scotia | Prince Edward Island | Newfoundland and Labrador