Moiraine Damodred

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Moiraine Damodred (pronounced mwah-RAIN [1]) is one of the main characters of the Wheel of Time fantasy series by Robert Jordan.


[edit] Description

Moiraine has large, dark eyes and dark hair hanging in ringlets. A delicate gold chain fastened in her hair supports a small, sparkling blue stone in the middle of her forehead. When she was young she was impetuous and hot-tempered, but after years of being Aes Sedai she has learned self-control. Robert Jordan describes her as being about 5' or 5'2". Rand, Mat and Perrin all described her as one of the most beautiful women they had ever seen. Indeed, when Perrin walks in on her wearing nothing but a robe, he is absolutely astonished by how beautiful she is.

[edit] Origins

Moiraine Damodred was born in Cairhien in 956 NE and, as niece to King Laman, spent a lot of time in the Sun Palace. At 16 she left for the White Tower to become an Aes Sedai. As a novice, she became friends (and for a time, lovers - "pillow-friends" [2]) with a young woman named Siuan Sanche. Both were quick learners, passed all rituals on their first attempts, and attained the shawl in six years; they were also both among the strongest channelers of their day, until recently.

[edit] During the Aiel War

Both Moiraine and Siuan were Accepted in 978 NE, during the Battle of the Blood Snow. On this day, the Aiel War came right up to the banks of the River Erinin, outside Tar Valon itself, where her uncle Laman had retreated with the remainder of his Cairhienin forces. During the battle, the two attended the Amyrlin, Tamra Ospenya, and her Keeper of the Chronicles, Gitara Moroso. That day, Moroso, who had the Foretelling, was possessed by such a strong vision that, after managing to yell out its contents, she died. What she Foretold was that, at that very moment, on the slopes of Dragonmount not far away, the Dragon had been reborn.

Moiraine and Siuan made a pact soon after: that they would find the Dragon Reborn and guide him, knowing that he was the only one who could save the world from the Dark One, but that others would fear him and try to hinder him--if not kill him outright. The Dragon Reborn, though necessary, was not the most celebrated of saviors.

[edit] Married to her Quest

Nineteen years of searching later, Moiraine was an Aes Sedai of the Blue Ajah; traveling in the Borderlands, she had picked up a Warder, Lan Mandragoran, last king of Malkier. The two of them journeyed to the town of Emond's Field in the Two Rivers region of Andor, as Moiraine had narrowed her search to three boys in the area. Her suspicions were confirmed when, on Winternight, Trollocs invaded the Two Rivers region. She and Lan planned to lead the three boys--Rand al'Thor, Mat Cauthon and Perrin Aybara--plus a few hangers-on in the persons of Thom Merrilin, Egwene al'Vere and after a time Nynaeve al'Meara, to the safety of the White Tower; but the Shadow had picked up their scent, and they were derailed. Their journey took them to Shienar and the Eye of the World, where Rand channeled consciously for the first time. Soon after, Moiraine knew she'd found the Dragon Reborn.

[edit] Guide to Prophecy

She sent word immediately to Siuan, who by this time was Amyrlin Seat, and the two of them (with the unexpected help of Brown Ajah member Verin Mathwin) confronted Rand with his destiny. From there on out, Moiraine left Rand's side as little as possible. The only time she left his side was during the events leading up to the Stone of Tear, where Rand snuck away and fled to Tear, to see if he could draw the sword Callandor and fulfill prophecy, or if he was only a False Dragon. Despite his success, Rand resented what he saw as interference and manipulation on Moiraine's part; though she seemed to be trying to help him, Aes Sedai are used to getting what they want, and keeping their plans to themselves. Finally, after Rand's journey to Rhuidean in the Aiel Waste and his announcement that he was the Car'a'carn, the two managed to form a sort of compromise, with Rand agreeing to listen if Moiraine agreed to merely advise.

[edit] The Lesser Sadness

Unfortunately, their cooperation was short-lived. Just before setting out for the city of Caemlyn to confront the Forsaken Rahvin, Moiraine gave Rand two letters: one for himself and another for Thom Merrilin. Then she took Rand, Mat, Egwene, Aviendha, and Lan to the docks of Cairhien. Unexpectedly, the Forsaken Lanfear emerged, enraged at the news that her beloved Lews Therin had taken a lover besides her; Rand, though he knew he faced death, could not bring himself to harm a woman. Moiraine took matters into her own hands. The twisted redstone doorway ter'angreal from Rhuidean was present nearby, and Moiraine shoved Lanfear through it, ending the assault but also ending their lives: neither she nor Lanfear ever re-emerged from the doorway (which immediately caught on fire and began to melt), and Lan reported that he could not feel her through the Warder bond any longer. Because she had altered her bond so that Lan would belong to another Aes Sedai instead of trying to avenge her, Lan left immediately -- if unhappily -- to seek out Myrelle Sedai of the Green Ajah. Lanfear later is recycled by the Dark One into the body of Cyndane, but Moiraine remains missing.

Rand's letter revealed more of the story. While at Tear, Moiraine had entered the redstone doorway's partner, one that allowed her to ask three questions and receive three true answers (as opposed to the Rhuidean doorway, which Mat used to gain three favors). Furthermore, in Rhuidean, she had seen in the traditional Aiel testing ter'angreal that if they were not all at the Cairhien docks that day and Lanfear not defeated, Rand would be doomed. She had altered her bond to Lan, written her letters, and made peace with her fate. The letter added a few more warnings and encouragements, but there was nothing in it to suggest she would ever return except for one impossibly small line that may have no connection to her possible return at all, "You see, I do not know what happens in the world after, except perhaps for one small thing that does not concern you." Lady Moiraine Damodred Aes Sedai of the Blue Ajah had been woven out of the Pattern.

[edit] Still A Factor?

Later series events, however, have drawn Moiraine's supposed fate into question. Lanfear, presumed dead as well, has reappeared in the form of Cyndane, whose name means "Last Chance" in the Old Tongue. The Great Lord of the Dark is well-known for resurrecting his favorite followers, but it is not known if this happened to Cyndane; it is possible that she escaped in her own right. Also, one of Egwene al'Vere's Dreamed visions linked Thom Merrilin to Moiraine in some way—specifically, she saw him drawing Moiraine's kesiera from a fire. The romantic tension between Moiraine and Thom has also gone unresolved. Adding fuel to the fire, one of Min Farshaw's viewings suggests that, without Moiraine's help, Rand is doomed to failure. Finally, the contents of her letter to Thom has been revealed in Knife of Dreams: she is alive, but trapped in a tower that has no door, presumably meaning the Tower of Ghenjei. Thom, Mat and series newcomer Noal Charin have vowed to rescue her, but what role she will play in the final book of the series remains to be seen.

[edit] External links