Modification of political parties under the Restoration

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[edit] Dynamic Member of Parliament

The House of Commons of this period oscillates between phases and phases liberal, respectively recessive and progressives. The opponents with the monarchical system are absent on the political scene, because of the repression of White Terror. Seuls of the currents of influence, of the visions different from what must be it Constitutional monarchy French clash.

  • (royalists) Extremists: they wish a return to the ancian mode, such before-1789, even with the absolutism: domination of Noble and "devotion Christian woman of the others". They are anti-Republicans, anti-Democrats, and preach To be able of in Haut, by a marked noble elite like éclairée. They tolerate it vote censitaire.
  • (royalists) Liberal: they preach an evolution towards more liberté and of opening. They wish to lower the taxable quota to support the middle-class as a whole, with the detriment of the aristocracy. The liberals profit from emergence, related to the beginnings of Industrial revolution, of a new middle-class elite which upsets the aristocratic order. All remain plain in their fear - or feared Low peuple, that Thiers will indicate later by the term of cheap multitude. The political sights are directed towards a favouritism of class. Political alternations of the room are due to abuses the majority tendency to room (involving one dissolution then an inversion of the majority) or with events criticize (for example the assassination of duc de Berry in 1820). The oppositions are more the fact of a fight of being able between powerful (Royalty against deputies), that that of a fight between royal tyranny and noble defenders of the interêts of the people. Although the deputies claim themselves defenders of the interests of the people, the majority have an important fear of low people, innovations socialism and even of simple measurements of the widening of voting rights. Vis-a-vis with these representatives of the middle-class, them Republican, then located at the extreme left, touch the working world which develops and is inserted in misery. They are not represented, nor not listened. Their demonstrations are repressed or diverted, causing at most a reinforcement of parliamentarism, which does not mean democratic evolution, only it taxable quotes is widened. The revolution seems to be the single solution for some, like Blanqui.

[edit] Principal Parties

The principal ones Political Party during restoration are:

  • Extremists (preserving Aristocracy to see absolutist)
    • They find it charter of 1814 too revolutionary.
    • They want the return to monarchy, the re-establishment of the provilèges and a king: Charles X.
    • The important personalities are: Louis de Bonald and Joseph de Maistre, for the theorists; François of Bourdonnaye, it baron de Vitrolles, it , for the parliamentary chiefs, and Jules de Polignac who reaches the capacity in 1829.
    • Their newspapers are the Daily one and the Gazette of France. Doctrinary, which pronent the return to a moderate monarchy and is opposed to the extremists in the first times of the Restoration.
  • The Constitutionnels. (rich and educated Middle-class men, lawyers, senior officials of the Empire, academics, they fear the triumph of the aristocracy as much as that of the democracy.)
    • They accept the charter (because it guarantees freedoms and the civil equality and draws up a stopping in front of the popular masses, unable, because of their ignorance, to take share with the management of the public affairs).
    • The important personalities are Pierre-Paul Royer-Collard, François Guizot, the count of Serre...
    • Their newspapers are French Mail and the Critic
  • the Independents (lower middle class, doctors and lawyers, tradesmen, men of law and, in boroughs campaigns, the purchaser of national goods.)
    • They reject the charter, considering it too preserving.
    • They reject the treaties of 1815, the white flag and the preeminence found of clergy and of nobility.
    • The important personalities are, among the parliamentary monarchists Benjamin Constant, among the officers of the Empire, it general Foy, among the republicans, the lawyer Jacques Antoine Manuel, and Fayette.
    • Their newspapers are Minerve, the Constitutional one, Earth.
  • the Liberals which apparraissent in the last years of the Restoration.
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